Chapter 21

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Penny wakes before Avi does and she slowly blinks open her eyes, letting them adjust to the bright morning light streaming in through the cracks in the curtains. During the night, she had managed to curl alongside of Avi, pressing herself against his body, resting her head against his chest. And Avi had accepted their embrace, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, his hand resting just above the crest of her hip.

She smiles into the fabric of his shirt, warm and soft against her skin, and she risks a glance up at his face. Avi's face is relaxed in sleep, his mouth pursed open, the worry lines that had been marring his forehead the past few days smoothed and his hair a tousled mess around his head. Her fingers itch to touch him, trace the soft curve of his jaw and feel the roughness of his beard, but she refrains, knowing he wouldn't consciously accept her gesture.

A pang of sorrow grips her heart and Penny turns her gaze from his face, burying her nose back into the wrinkled crease of his shirt and inhaling deeply, the faintly spiced scent of him filling her senses. She aches for something she can't remember and for something Avi's unable to give her. Tears begin to sting her eyes and Penny screws her eyes shut, willing herself not to cry as she grips Avi's shirt just a little bit tighter.

Avi stirs, inhaling deeply and pulls Penny closer, his fingers slipping under the hem of her shirt and pressing hotly against her skin. Penny stiffens, her breath catching and her heart beating heavily against her ribs until he settles down and remains asleep.

You love him.

The realization swims in her brain before bleeding into her veins and settling in her chest. The words repeat themselves almost endlessly in her mind, blurring together to form one giant word, pressing against her skull in a desperate attempt to be spoken out loud. No, no, no, this can't be love. I haven't known him that long, I—

Penny silences her thoughts, swallowing down the words that sit heavily in her mouth and slowly slides her hand underneath the hem of Avi's shirt, needing to feel his warm skin against hers. Avi remains unmoving, letting out only the faintest of sighs as her fingertips brush against his side and rest there, seeking comfort. Deep down, in that aching part of her heart, Penny knows what she thinks is true; she loves him.

Penny cautiously peers over Avi's torso, glancing at the clock and noting she still has an hour before they have to be up to get ready for their flight. She lies back down and nestles against him, closing her eyes and smiling into his chest.

I love him.

She knows she won't say it out loud—not yet—and she knows Avi won't either, but for now Penny is calmed by the strong presence of his frame pressed against hers, the light warmth of his skin against hers and this stolen moment of their embrace.


Stepping off the elevator, Penny spots Avi near the large floor to ceiling window in the front lobby with his phone pressed to his ear, Ryan filming him from a short distance off. Penny pauses and presses herself against the wall waiting until Avi ends his phone call and Ryan stops filming, holding his camera at his side.

Penny and Avi hadn't spoken yet today, not really anyway. She had slowly untangled herself from Avi's embrace long before she needed to and he woke with her arm barely brushing against his. Avi had woken with a groan and a long stretch of his arms above his head before mumbling a barely intelligible "good morning". Penny had returned his greeting and slipped out of the bed, giving him a quick smile before leaving the room.

Her early morning revelation remains in the forefront of her mind and her heart flutters in her chest as Avi remains oblivious to her presence and drags his suitcase with him out the front door of the hotel. Penny releases a heavy sigh and pushes herself away from the wall, offering a small smile to the older gentleman who steps from the elevator.

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