Chapter 41

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They must have fallen asleep and when Penny wakes, the room is dark, the only light source being the parking lot lamps from the lot below their hotel room window. Avi is pressed warmly against her back, his hips snug against her bottom, his semi-erection jutting into her thigh. Penny bites her lip and grins, purposely wiggling into his lap, his low groan warm against her neck.

Despite her teasing, she's able to work herself out of his embrace with minimal difficulty and sleep-induced whining from Avi. Penny shivers from the loss of his skin against hers and stooping down, she pulls on Avi's discarded button-up shirt. Glancing over at the small clock on the bedside table nearest Avi, Penny finds the red glowing numerals shining 8:25 PM into the din of the room.

You still have time, she thinks. You don't have to wake him just yet.

Fastening the middle two buttons of the shirt, Penny steps into the bathroom. Flipping on the bathroom light switch, she squints against the harsh florescent glare and slowly allows her eyes to adjust, peering through one eye and then the other until her eyes no longer burn. Glancing at herself in the mirror, Penny finds the reflection of someone she doesn't recognize. The person before her is properly disheveled, hair mussed in a mass of fly-away wisps. Red patches of beard burn decorate the lines of her collarbones and angle of her jaw. Lifting the hem of her shirt, she finds the faint, raised scratches of his fingernails along her hips. Lightly tracing one of those small lines, Penny bites her lips and returns her gaze to her reflection.

"I'm a woman very well loved," she whispers, that bubbly feeling of elation blooming in her chest. Penny's unable to stop the bubble of laughter that spills over her lips.

Somehow I don't think Avi's complaining either.

Her fingers trailing along her collarbone, brushing against the slightly tender and sensitive patches of beard burn, Penny giggles, her grin spreading across her face. Freshening up a bit, the efforts from their joint shower earlier all but erased, Penny pulls her hair into a messy bun and reaches for her toothbrush, squeezing toothpaste onto the bristles. Brushing with one hand, she opens the door with the other, surprised to find the bedside lamp aglow and Avi sitting on the edge of the bed, shirtless, his jeans unbuttoned and riding low on his hips as he flicks through his phone.

Leaning against the doorframe, Penny crosses her legs at the ankle and smiles at him, pulling the brush from her mouth. "Hey you."

Avi drags his eyes away from his phone and stares up at her, his mouth bobbing open and close a few times before he's able to utter, "Hi." Penny watches as he shakes his head and clears his throat, licking his lips, his cheeks staining pink from embarrassment. "I, uh, wasn't—that's a good look on you," he finally manages, his gaze still burning.

Penny makes a noise low in her throat and walks back into the bathroom to rinse the toothpaste from her mouth, taking a final peek over her shoulder to find Avi staring at her ass. Snorting to herself, she quickly finishes brushing her teeth before moving to stand in front of him. Resting her hands on his bare shoulders, Penny leans down and kisses him, laughing into his mouth as he reacts enthusiastically, his fingers fisting into the fabric at her hips and pulling her close.

Avi continues to kiss her, beard rough against her skin and he eventually trails his lips down her jaw, the long line of her neck and down the center of her chest and in between her breasts, stopping where the fastened buttons get in his way. Sighing, he rests his forehead just below her sternum, his breath warm against her abdomen. Combing her fingers through his hair and lightly scratching his scalp, Penny whispers, "As much as I'd love to continue what you've started here, we really need to work on getting to DC."

Avi releases a heavy sigh, pressing one final kiss to her abdomen. "I know," he answers, his tone heavy with resignation. "Esther actually just booked us both a flight a little after midnight from Charlotte. Then it's only an hour flight and a short cab ride to the hotel before we can finish what I've started."

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