Chapter 50

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"When you mentioned all that stuff a few days ago-the buying a house, photographing nature, loving each other in front of the were serious?"

Avi's question falls quietly from his mouth and Penny slowly blinks open her eyes. They had fallen asleep in front of the fire, curled into one another with the blankets wrapped around them. The fire still crackled in the fireplace, but all of Penny's warmth came from Avi's naked frame bedside her. Stretching alongside him, she throws a leg over his hip and rests her head against his chest, the soft, rhythmic beating of his heart echoing in her ear.

Penny sighs, murmuring her response. "Yes, I was serious."

He remains silent, a slight tension tugging at his muscles. Peering up at him, Penny rests her chin against his chest, finding him staring up at the ceiling, a frown pulling at his lips. A fresh rush of worry slips down her spine and she reaches out to lightly stroke his jaw. "Avi? Is something wrong?" She can't help the slight waver to her voice.

Don't panic, Penny. He hasn't given you any reason to worry about your relationship.

Avi sighs and licks his lips, minutely shaking his head. "No, no. I'm just over thinking," he answers, dragging his gaze from the ceiling to rest on her face, offering her a soft smile. "Nothing to worry about."

While she feels relieved by his words, Penny knows there's something he's not telling her, lying just under the surface of his most dear thoughts. "Care to share?" she asks, twisting a finger around one of the curls at the nape of his neck.

He seems to contemplate her question and blows out a heavy sigh. "I love you. You know that, right?"

A surge of affection and warmth blooms through her chest and a broad smile splits her face. "I do, I do know that. I love you, too."

"Okay, good, good." He's speaking mostly to himself and Penny playfully taps his chin, focusing his attention back on her face. "I've been thinking about our future lately. I-I wasn't sure we were going to have one before the accident, at least not one that involved you with me. And then after the accident, I was so, so stupid Penny, letting my guilt and fear consume me that I almost drove you away."

"I wasn't going to go anywhere," Penny says softly, soothing him by swirling her fingertips along the freckles on his shoulders. "I wasn't giving you up without a fight, Avi."

Beneath her, Avi shifts, leaning his weight onto one elbow, using his other hand to cup her cheek and tangle his fingers into her hair, guiding her forward into a kiss. Penny inhales deeply as his lips touch hers and he lets the kiss linger, moving his mouth sweetly over hers. "I'm glad you never gave up on me," he whispers, shifting into a sitting position.

Penny follows his movement, sitting alongside him and curling her knees beneath her. "You were worth the fight."

Avi presses a quick kiss to her temple before reaching for her left hand and linking their fingers. "All those things you mentioned-I want that with you. I want the cozy house on the outskirts of civilization. I want the flowing river where we can fish and swim and travel by canoe. I want to love you every day in front of a fire like this one." He falls quiet for a moment, running his thumb across the back of Penny's hand. "I want to see you with our babies."

A strong grip of emotion twists in Penny's stomach and her heart beats rapidly against her ribs. His statement is profound and holds the promise of forever, something she felt deep down inside but had never voiced words to. She searches his face as he remains silent, his gaze unfocused and seeing something not of this world, but something born within his conscious mind.

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