Chapter 9

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Penny wakes the next morning, crawling through the sleepy fog that claimed her and momentarily panics at the unfamiliar surroundings before realizing where she is. Pressing a hand to her chest, she slows her breathing and rolls over, groaning into the pillow. She peers over the fabric at the clock on the small table on the right side of the bed, her eyes widening at the time displayed before her.

"Nine-thirty? Oh, my God, I slept for twelve hours," she mumbles into the pillow.

Curling her knees towards her chest, Penny draws the sheets and comforter over her head and sighs. She stays there for a few moments, staring blankly at the sheets in front of her, before pushing the covers off and stretching. Sitting at the edge of the bed, Penny catches her reflection in the mirror, surprised at how much better she looks than yesterday.  Still bruised and puffy, but she's not greasy and she actually looks...refreshed. She runs a hand through her hair, pleased that it doesn't look too bad for having air dried the day before.

Standing, she walks slowly towards the bedroom door, quietly turning the knob, praying she doesn't disturb Avi in the living room. Penny pauses after a few inches, spotting him sitting at the counter island, his hair ruffled in bed-head wisps and eating a bowl of cereal.

His phone buzzes next to him and he quickly answers, his voice deeper and laced with sleep. "Hey, man." Pause and a sigh. "Yeah, she's okay." Another pause. "I'm alright, I just...she doesn't remember me. She doesn't remember." The tone of utter heartbreak in his voice shoots straight through Penny's chest.

"No, I can still come," Avi continues. "Oh! Um..." he trails off and glances over to where Penny's standing. A jolt shoots down her spine and she quickly closes the small gap in the door, hoping he didn't see her standing there. He must not have, because a few seconds later, Penny hears, "I'll bring her with, if she wants to. Just be cool, alright? She's overwhelmed as it is." Penny opens the door a bit more and watches as he takes a quick bite of cereal. "Okay, man, see you at noon."

Avi sets his phone down and resumes eating his cereal. Penny waits for a few moments and then opens the door, hoping he doesn't notice the slight tremor in her limbs. He looks over at her and smiles. "Hey, good morning."

Penny smiles in return and takes a seat next to him at the counter. "Good morning."

"Are you hungry? I can get you something to eat," he says, shoveling another spoonful into his mouth.

"Oh, um, do you have waffles?" she asks shyly.

Avi nods, chewing and brushing his hands against his thighs—holy man, he's wearing shorts and his legs are beautiful? Penny stop. Stop—stands up and walks to the freezer, pulling out the waffles. He pops two of them in the toaster and pulls open one of the cabinets, taking a quick glance back at her. "Peanut butter or Nutella?"


"Oh, you usually put peanut butter or Nutella on your waffles," he clarifies, turning back towards the cabinet. "Or I have other stuff, too."

"Nutella's fine," she says and he nods, grabbing the jar. Penny watches as he pulls the waffles from the toaster and smothers them in chocolate deliciousness before sandwiching them together. Brushing his hands of crumbs, he turns and sets the plate in front of her, rejoining her at the counter.

"Thank you," Penny says with a smile, pulling the plate closer.

He nods in return and pours himself another bowl of cereal. Penny observes him for a moment before taking a bite of the waffle sandwich. "I find it a little strange all the things you know about me," she starts and frowns as a huge glop of Nutella falls onto the plate. "I mean, I don't know anything about you. Well, not much, except that we apparently live together and we sometimes frick frack."

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