Chapter 45

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Author's Note: Hey everyone! Amnesia has been nominated for another award! I would be honored and delighted if you guys could vote for it. The link can be found here: Thank you! <3

After the non-stop, controlled chaos of tour life, Penny was glad to be home and she knew Avi was, too. Despite a day of travel and christening the bathroom with their lustful activities—proof of which still remained in the reddened lines across the backs of her thighs—both of them quickly fell into bed, leaving only to find food.

She found the change in routine refreshing. All five of them were off at least until the middle of December, with only a few random scheduled interviews, performances and, of course, days spent in the recording studio to work on and finish their album. I'll have Avi to myself for the first time since September. We can actually do things as a couple.

Smiling at the thought, Penny lifts her head from the pillow, surprised by the time staring back at her. Almost noon? We must be more tired that we realized. Turning her head towards Avi, she's unsurprised to find him still asleep, his face pressed into the pillow as he clutches it to his chest, soft snores falling from his mouth. Moving to leave the bed, she lets out a yelp of protest as Avi's arm loops around her waist and pulls her against his frame.

"Where're you going?" Avi mumbles sleepily, nuzzling his nose against the back of her neck.

Turning in his embrace, Penny faces him, slipping a knee between his thighs. Brushing a stray strand of hair from his forehead, she says, "I was going to get food, but you seem to be opposed to that idea."

Blinking open one eye, Avi peers up at her and slowly licks his lips. "I am never opposed to food. What a rude and slanderous thing to say."

Penny chuckles. "Oh, Avi," she sighs, kissing him briefly on the corner of the mouth. "What am I going to do with you?"

He loosens his grip around her waist, allowing her to climb out of bed. Flopping onto his back, Avi sighs deeply and runs a hand down his face, scratching idly at his beard. She smiles at him before turning to leave the bedroom.

"Wait," Avi calls, leaning up onto his elbows, "You're going to get me food, too, right?"

Her only response is laughter as she steps into the hallway.


"We should probably get real food at some point," Penny says around a mouthful of pizza, wiping her fingers on a napkin to rid them of grease.

After raiding the kitchen for any food that hadn't expired, gone stale or required fresh ingredients to prepare, Penny quickly realized that unless they went grocery shopping soon, both of them would be living off of take out, something she didn't think Avi would be entirely disappointed with. Finding two unopened granola bars tucked back deep within the pantry, she had walked back into the bedroom, tossed one at Avi and suggested they order pizza. His eyes seemed to light up at the idea.

"What do you mean real food? Pizza is real food," Avi retorts, reaching for his third slice. "You've got your carbohydrates, your dairy, your vegetables and your protein. The only thing missing is your fruit."

"Tomatoes are technically a fruit," Penny says, peeling off a falling piece of pepperoni and popping it into her mouth.

"Ah, see! Pizza is the ultimate real food."

Penny just shakes her head in disbelief, knowing that Avi is at least partly serious in his defense of their current meal. Her stomach comfortably full, she wipes her fingers once more and sets her empty plate on the coffee table before scooting closer towards him, curling her legs underneath her and resting her head against his shoulder.

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