Chapter 15

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Penny stares at the man lying next to her and she brings her hand up to her mouth to hide her smile. There's a very warm, attractive man sleeping next to me, she thinks and it takes all her effort to not let her giggle escape her throat.

Not just next to you, Penny. How are you going to get out of his grasp?

Avi's arm lies heavily across her back, his hand curling almost protectively over her hip. The edge of her shirt had ridden up during sleep and his bare arm is pressed against her skin, a fact Penny becomes more acutely aware of as she contemplates moving from the bed. Shifting her hips closer to the edge of the bed, she pauses when he stirs briefly, inhaling his snore through his nose and pulling her a bit closer.

Yeah, okay, this might be difficult. He's usually awake first and not in bed with me.

Penny settles down, curling her arm against her torso and resists the urge to reach out and brush the hair from his face. She waits a few moments before attempting to move again. Eyes trained on his face, Penny moves her hips, scooting about five inches closer to the edge of the bed.

Well, this is problematic, she thinks as Avi's hand now rests squarely against her back, the heat from his palm radiating into the skin just before the curve of her bottom. Don't think about it. Don't think about it. Don't think—

His hand is basically on your ass.

Penny turns and buries her face into the mattress, suppressing her groan. Blowing out a steady breath, she turns and finds him still sleeping soundly. Okay, just a few more inches. Slow and steady. Because if he wakes up now and realizes his hand is on your ass, he's going to freak out and burn the mattress to cleanse it of its ungodliness.

A tad harsh on him, don't you think?

Penny rolls her eyes. This is the man that sees me as someone different from his girlfriend and vehemently refused to platonically share a bed with me. No, I think it's accurate. And besides, I'm still pissed.

Her mind effectively shuts up as she moves once more, Avi's fingers dragging along her skin as she finally moves fully away from him. Penny's upper body remains on the bed while her knees rest on the floor and she watches as his hand gropes the sheets and a frown tugs at his lips before he calms himself down.

Penny sighs. He's so beautiful.

A thought pops into her brain then and standing quietly, she tiptoes to the door, pulling it open slowly before padding to her photography room. Penny picks up the camera she's been working with the most and quickly checks the battery life and memory card space before walking back into the bedroom. Avi's still sleeping, his arm and hand still curled where her body used to be. She moves towards the blinds, opening the slats just enough to let a soft stream of light in.

Penny kneels down and finds her angle, the morning sun bouncing off his sleeping frame perfectly. The sun falls in his hair, the shadows making his eye lashes look longer than they actually are and the soft curve of his mouth appears fuller. Shaking her head, she breaks herself of her stare and adjusts the zoom on her lens before snapping a picture.

Smiling down at the view finder, Penny reviews the photograph before continuing to find the angle that best suits him as the sun continues to rise. After fifteen minutes, Avi begins to stir and Penny stops and watches as he turns his face into the pillow and groans. He blinks over the edge of the pillow and yawns as he catches her gaze. "Why're you on the floor?" he asks, voice thick with sleep.

Penny feels her cheeks flush and she offers him a sheepish smile. "Uh..."

Avi pushes himself up on to his forearms and peers over the edge of the bed. "Did you fall?"

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