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Everyone sat in awkward silence until Calum bravely said "why is everyone so sad lets all be happy"
"You can't just make people happy cal" I said
"Oh really" he came over and started tickling me. I have a hyena laugh so everyone was laughing at my stupid laugh- and they were very drunk. It was the first time I have seen Luke smile in a long time.

He stopped after a long time of complaining he finally stopped tickling me.

"Lezzzz goooo to bedddd" Charlie said and everyone agreed. Boy I hate her. She is there snuggling up to Luke and it makes me sick.

I slept on the sofa bed next door to my old room which Luke and Charlie were currently sharing.

I had a sleepless night due to the sound of Luke and Charlie having sex. Also Noah was going crazy all night too.

I looked at the clock and it said 5.30am. I might go for a run just to take my mind off things. I think Noah will be okay by himself. Anyway there is a lot of people at home.

I ran outside and that made me remember how much I've missed this place. I saw someone sat against a tree in the distance, head in hands.

I carried on running closer and tried to see who it was. I probably wouldn't know them anyway.

"Hi ermm are you okay?" I asked, he looked up and I realised it was Tom. His eyes are all puffy and he looks terrible.
"TOM!! Are you okay??"
"I'm fine Lyra thanks"
"I know your not okay I mean look" I said pointing at him.
"Oh okay you have a point" he said putting his hands up in surrender
"What happened?"
"My girlfriend broke up with me"
"Well whoever broke up with you is an idiot" I said
"Your a beautiful guy who deserves the best love anyone can give because you are caring and a really nice person" I said
"Girls don't go for nice boys"
"Yes they do, and I don't know what girls you have been going for because I would love a boyfriend who is nice"
"You know you basically just said you love me" he said laughing.

"Argh whatever" I said giving up
"So... do you want to go out sometime?" He asked
"I would love too" I said hugging him and jogging away.
"Wait" He said running after me, "can we have the date today"
"Yeah sure what time" I asked
"Meet me here at 10am, and wear casual clothes"
"Okay" I said smiling and jogging away.

I got home and went straight to Noah to see if he's okay. He's gone! Where's he gone? I need to find him.

I ran around the house like a frantic woman and he wasn't anywere. I looked in all the bedrooms too. I didn't go in Luke and Charlie's, but now I'm desperate. I walked in and Charlie was in there, yet again with the guy from yesterday.

"Charlie, where's Luke?" I said
"He went to the shops!! And why are you bothered" she spat
"If you speak like a bitch one more time to me, I will tell Luke the truth"
"Oh he already says he doesn't believe you so ha" she said. Alright Lyra stay calm. Calm.
"Okay well thanks" I said. Ew. Why did I just say thanks?

"I'm baaack" Luke shouted tossing he's keys onto the side.
"Noahhhh!!!" I said running up to him and picking him up, he can walk very well now- I mean he's two. He still hasn't said his first word though.
"If you really cared for this boy, you wouldn't leave him alone"
"He wasn't alone I had you" I said
"Yeah but Lyra that's the thing. You won't always have me. You won't always have your mum. You won't always have someone by your side to help you with him. You need to do things for yourself." he said
"Luke I can't do things by myself, I get stressed easily and looking after a child is hard"
"Well I do it pretty fine" he said picking Noah up and taking him too his high chair and feeding him.

"Thank you Luke" I said
"Yeah whatever I'm still pissed off at you" he said
"Why don't you believe me?"
"Because she's my girlfriend and you might be jealous so you might be saying that"
"Luke you think everyone gets jealous of you don't you? Well as a matter of fact I've got a date to go on"
"Hahaha a date my arse"
"Hahah a date my arse" I said copying him.
"Shut up"
"No you shut up"
"I hate you"
"Could say the same to you" I said

Wait. Noah. Who will look after him?

"G will you look after Noah I've got a date"
"A gorgeous boy.... but I need to get ready"

I just curled me hair so there's natural waves and put some eyeliner on and high waisted denim shorts with rips in and black vans and a black green day crop top.

~at the date~

"Hey" I said
"Hiya" he said

There was an awkard silence.

"So where are we going?" I asked
"The park" he replied. The park? Is he being serious?

We got there and went on the swings. a pretty boring date if you asked me.

"Do you know your ex? Why did she break up with you?" I blurted out
"She didnt... I did. And I was stupid. I thought she liked someone else and I just went shit crazy and yeah... I'm such a screw up"
"No your not" I said
"Yes I am" he said
"You know what I think? I think you should go and get the girl you clearly like"
"Thanks Lyra but are you okay about it?"
"Yeah... Friends?"
"Sure" he said walking away

"GO GET YOUR GIRL TIGERR" I said earning a giggle from him.

I got back home and Luke and Noah were playing. I walked in as quiet as possible and stood in te corner watching Luke and him. It's super cute.

"Hi ermm can I have Noah for a sec" I asked
"Yeah sure" he replied and handed Noah over.

Noah's face went sad.

"What's up No?" I asked ( no is his nickname btw)

"Dadda" he said pointing to Luke


Awww Noah said his first word!

Thanks for all the readers who are actually reading this haha.

Sorry if I kept on calling noah a baby Hahahahaha yolo.


Question time

What's your favourite song ATM?

Mines happy with me holychild 👌

Byeeeee my little beautys,

Molly 💃

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