I promise

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*lyras pov*

I think I just feel sorry for Mikey that's why I'm not talking to Luke. We have another two weeks until we go camping. This baby ain't stopping me from doing anything.

-1 week later-

I have been answering Lukes questions and we are starting to build our friendship again. We have been sitting together on the bus whilst Georgia sits next to Calum.

-yet another week later-

Today is the day we go camping! I'm so excited considering it won't be as awkward between me and Luke because we are talking like we used to but in a friendly way. All of the girls went in one car and the boys went in the other.

We were following them in our car until the engine slowly started to rumble and ended up turning off.
"Georgia what happened?" Jade asked
"I don't know... an engine failure?"
"Let me go see..." I say
"One of you ask the boys to pick us up" Katie says
"Well physically you can't ask them" jade said
"Ohh shut up Jade..." we all said.
"Ring them!" Katie said.
"Okay okay chilll!" Georgia said

I was checking the bonnet out and I didn't want to get my flannel dirty so I just had I thin vest on which I didn't look good in seen as I had a massive two ton baby in me- not that I would look good in it usually. I worked out that the car didnt have enough oil.
"Georgia when did you last get this car checked?" I asked
"Your supposed to get it checked out?" She asked, I facepalmed.
"Seriously Georgia? Arrgghhh sometimes I wish you were a tomboy like me"
"So you don't like me?" She is a very touchy person
"I didn't say that" I said, luckily the boys turned up after I said that because I knew this argument would go on for a long time.

"Need some help there?" Luke asked
"No and I am pretty sure this is too hard for your mental capability- Afterall you did burn sausages" I replied with jokingly. He looked at me and put his hand on his chest and said "I'm very offended." whilst flicking her that isn't even there and walking away.

Ashton turned the music on load and opened the doors so that we could all have a good time whilst doing boring stuff. This trip will be fun.

"Guys we need to get some oil from a nearby place; where's the nearest?"

"About 12 miles?" Mikey said.
"I will take you" Ashton offered.
"Okay" I said grinning. Ashton is the most like me in the boys that's why I get along with him so well. He is one of my favourites in the band.

"Sooooooooo" Ashton said, awkwardly
"Soooooooo" I replied
"Luke is glad your back friends with him ya no"
"I guess- I didn't think he liked me that much plus I'm pretty sure he can deal without me"
"HAHAHAHAHAHA Luke could never deal without you and whenever he's not talking about school or the band he's talking about you."
"Ohh I thought he liked Sadie"
"Er... yeah...er...um.... he... does yeah"
"You sure? Don't sound very sure about that smashton."
"I like that nick name 'smashton' call me it more often"
We arrived at the nearest car store and they gave us oil and we headed back from the shop.

"Sooo you and Jade?"
"Me and Jade what?"
"You like her- a lot is she your girlfriend yet?"
"She's been my girlfriend for 2 months now" he giggled.
"And you didn't bother to tell me?"
"I did.... multiple times.... you were always too busy." that broke me heart. I have been to caught up in my life I didn't even realise my two best friends were going out.
"God Lyra your such an attention seeker" I said allowed which I wasn't meant too.
"Ay.... don't speak like that. How much have you been through? It's fine just as long as you don't miss my wedding.
Do you promise not to miss my wedding? We linked fingers
"I promise"

The Promise // Luke Hemmings fanficWhere stories live. Discover now