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When I was a child, my mother would tell me stories of when the world was different. When lycan's roamed the earth as wild beasts. Concurring land and commanding the human population like cattle and sheep. Blood thirst and cruel like nature intended them to be. Their hearts made of stone, cold blood that flowed throughout their veins. My parents protected me from the beasts unmated, shealded me from the cruelty that hadn't died out. But on my 16th birthday my life had changed forever. My parents had thought I was human, that I would never know the lycan life. They were right. Because what I transformed into was far from what my father was. I wasn't a beast, but an actual wolf. My body the size of a grizzly bears, and my speed as fast as a lycans. I had all the same abilities of my father and that of my mother.

I could bend emotions, control actions and if push came to shove force them by hand with my strength. I had the instincts of my father and the wit of my mother. The drive and passion to fight and defend, but nurture those I loved dearly. My father always said I got the best of my mother and she told me the same of my father. The best aspects of the two became one, and I was born a blessed one.

She had told me that God had blessed them with a gift of his own and I was that gift to the world. I just didn't know what my destiny was and neither did my parents. God hadn't told them of the future only the past. So my destiny was my own, or so I thought. Raising a new species was no cake walk and hiding from a monster was even harder. I can remember the day my world changed and life became survival once more. Long lost were the days of playing hide and seek in the woods. Traded for endless hours of medical training, from my mother and Kendrick. An hand to hand combat fighting with my father and Keyona.

My life has been one of sunshine with a dash of hurricane, and a hell of a lot of spice. "God, your so fucking tasty", Thaddeus growled eating my pussy with the intensity of a wild animal. My back pressed up against a bookcase, digging uncomfortably pleasurable into my spine. One hand holding the edge of a shelf, while the other cafune through his peppered midnight black hair. The uncontrollable urge to moan caged behind my teeth. If my father hears, I'm dead meat. We're dead meat. Thaddeus sucks my clit into is mouth, his fingers firmly digging into the meat of my thigh slung over his shoulder. His nose pressed into the pubic bone of my pelvis, the deeper he tries to devour me. Mmmmmm, "don't stop." I panted feeling my core clench so dangerously close to the edge of ecstasy.

I looked down my breath heavy in need, his hooded sandy brown eyes looking up at me as I crumble. My wet slick mixed with his saliva sliding down the crest of my thighs. My one stable knee becoming shaky as he takes one last aggressive suck, flicking his tongue over the sensitive nerves. Sending my orgasm into a tailspin of 'fuck yes' and 'please more'. Being the Alpha's daughter has its perks, especially when my mother preaches abstinence. Saying she regretted not waiting for the man who truly owned her in both mind, body and soul. Your perfect match of equal proportions and wild ambitions. She reminds me everyday that the one who will complete me is out there and waiting.

Problem is I didn't want to wait.

Plus, a wolfs scent is different after they fuck, leaving behind the essence of another. The last thing I needed was my father killing every lycan that plucked his star. Oral is the best option and from what they all say, I taste as good as I look. Thaddeus took a long lick of my sex lapping up the flavor he savored. His eyes begging me to let him fuck me and take the flower my father tries so hard to protect. "We better get going before our fathers start searching." I told him sliding my leg off his shoulder. He sighed in disappointment, running his thumb along his lower lip to wipe off the remnants of me, before placing it in his mouth like a lollipop to suck.

I pulled on my athletic pants, reveling in the tension just released from my body. It was time for hand to hand combat and my muscles were wound like a top. "Next time don't forget to nibble," I teased brushing my fingers along is chest.

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