Luna /News

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"Estella", I called, "where are you hiding!?" I shouted out, searching for my little blond haired child. She's such a rascal at this age, reminding me so much of how Skylee use to be. I knew the older Estella became the more of a handful she would be.
"Estellaaaaa", I lulled like a lullaby peeking behind the brush of bushes. When I heard a little giggle just off to my right. "Come out, come out, where ever you are", I teased getting closer as her fit of giggles became louder. Slowly, I peeked around the side of a tree looking down at my sweet, ornery, little star. Her dirty blond hair French beaded perfectly down the center. Her hands cupping her mouth to suppress her giggles and failing miserably. I smiled down at her feeling happier than I ever thought I could be. When God said my days would be fulfilling and peaceful, he sure knew what he was giving me. A heart so full it felt like it would burst and a little girl who was the best parts of Grayson and I.

The future of a new kind.

I threw myself around the tree, crouching like a pouncing tiger with my hands ready to tickle. "Gotcha!" I shouted as Estella screamed in surprise. Her big beautiful heterochromia eyes wide and doe like as she looked at me in shock. Before she could run my fingers attacked, going right to her sides in a frenzy of aggression. I wanted this girl to beg for mercy, that only a mother's love could grant. Her cries of laughter echoed throughout the forest scaring away any wild life that was around. When suddenly two large hands tackled me to the ground carful to not hurt me in the process. A tingle of satisfaction pulsed through me and I knew exactly whom those hands belonged to. "Daddy!" Estella shouted in glee as her father came to the rescue. His large frame caging me to the forest floor. His big toothy smile reached to the corners of his eyes. "Traitor", I teased trying to wiggle closer to our Estella. To which she scurried out of reach giggling at the man wrapped around her finger. "Little peach", he playfully nipped the tip of my nose. "How can I be a traitor when I was never on your side to begin with?" He lightly chortle, before kissing my lips.

He always knew how to make my belly swell with butterflies.

"Eeeewwwwww", our little Estella whined causing us to pull away and look at her. She held a face of sheer disgust, we both couldn't help the large fit of laughter pumping from our chests. "One day my little star, you will find a man that is worthy of your love and know exactly how mommy and I feel about each other." Grayson told her standing to his feet, bringing me along with him. He is such a man. "I just can't guarantee he will still be alive after meeting me." He told her in his serous dad tone. I giggled slapping my hand on to his steely abs. He thrust his body back just a little to make me feel or at least seem powerful. Our little Estella laughed, before taking off in the direction of the pack house.

I watched her in awe as she scurried away, feeling so proud of the little creature she is becoming. When Estella disappeared behind a tree, I took one last glance at the mountains forest that surrounded us. Reminiscing on the time Grayson had searched for me. Not the claiming but the hunt. Since human girls weren't slaughtered any more, a new hunt was created. One that left their human and mate to play a game of hide and seek. A way to catch your pray and then make love to them on the earth. A way for humans to connect to their primal side, and a chance for lycans to dominate their partners. In fact the tree Grayson shamelessly made love to me against was just a few feet away.

His breath on my ear, caused me to smile his arms incased me from behind. "I remember making you scream my name", he nipped below my ear sending a shock wave to my core. "I remember sinking so deep into your tight pussy, that even my beast howled in satisfaction." He lulled, placing a wide mouthed kiss lower on my neck. With a suck that pulled my skin between his teeth.

"And I remember enjoying every part of you", I smiled turning around to look into his big beautiful amber eyes.

That day he poured out his soul, showing me every ugly, unwanted and awful thing he is. Showing me all the good he can be and all the sweetness hidden with in. But in doing so I saw every piece of him raw and haunted yet strong and loving. I fell madly in love with him and there was no turning back.

God paired me with my perfect match and I prayed my little Estella would know the day.

Grayson's hand moved from my hip slowly gliding up my spin and into the back of my hair. His hand clamping around the strands using just enough force to tilt my head back and to the side for him to kiss me. His lips feverish and girth in my back growing. I loved this man and would forever take care of him likes he's done for me.

Twisting in his hold, I ran my hands up his abs to his chest and then around his neck. I used the leverage to bounce on my feet straddling his waste. His hand on my hip shifted to my as as his fingers dug into the meat. I moaned grounding against his waist, cunfueing my fingers into his hair as I to tugged. He growled and I smiled, loving the vibrations of his beast.

In a flash he placed me on the ground, my feet landing on the green grass. "Strip," he ordered as he tugged his shirt over his head. His fingers making quick work of the button on his jeans. My blood pumped as excitement filled my sex. I knew exactly what we were about to do and I loved every minute of it. He knew me so well, and did for me my wildest dreams.

Quickly fallowing his orders, tossing my shirt, bra, pants and underwear. My eyes raking up and down the man who owns my heart. He drank me in as if it was for the first time, making my skin pebble under his predatory gaze. The two of us standing completely naked in the forest for all to see.

"Run little peach." He seductively growled and I smiled turning to run.

"Only if you catch me!" I yelled into the air giggling with glee. My feet padding into the grass as my adrenaline flooded with excitement. He was going to fuck me like an animal, make my knees dirty and my skin glisten. I loved the cardinal desire he drew out of me and in return he loved that I feed into his every command.

I could here his feet coming upon me, the heavy thud of his feet stomping on the earth as he gained ground. Just as he was about to capture me, Keyona stepped out from behind a tree. Her face stock and emotionless as her alpha trailed behind me. She must have been running perimeter and heard us coming.

"Leave," Grayson commanded and her eyes then shot to me. I cupped my chest trying to cover myself. She didn't care of our nakedness but it still bothered me to show my good to any and all. I doubt I would ever truly be ok with it.

"Alpha," Keyona addressed not following the command Grayson just barked. He came up behind me his lower half pressing into my backside, shielding him from her. Something we talked about in our many conversations of modesty and keeping what's mine out of the eyes of others. 

"I said leave." He growled, not liking her blatant disregard to his first order. His hand coming around to pull me closer.

"I have urgent news regarding Estella." Keyona plainly stated and my heart fell from my chest. Why is she being so calm!?

"Is she all right!?" I hurriedly asked in panic. "She was just with us!" I admitted so she knew it would have just been seconds ago.

"No, she's fine." Keyona confirmed, looking into my eyes with assurance. Her gaze then flicked to Grayson's. "Word in the lycan nation has been spreading of the original beasts resurrection." She explained.

"And?" Grayson asked, his hand splaying over my chest to help hide and protect me.

"They say he's hunting for the blessing."

The Original BeastOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant