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The morning sun crested the trees tops, my view from our bedroom window absolutely beautiful. Today is a special day, one I want my baby girl to remember forever. Our little Estella is turning sixteen, and while she hasn't shown signs of being a lycan, she is the spitting image of me. She has my looks, my brains and of courses my attitude. And every sixteen year old human dreams of getting a car. I of course had to talk Grayson into it, especially after he saw the Jeep I came home in.

Grayson's arm wrapped around my waist pulled, squeezing me tight to him. His nose nuzzling into the crown of my hair. A low pleasurable growl rumbled in his chest as it vibrated my back. "Good morning," he said in a sultry tone, pressing his erector into my butt.

I wiggled back into him, teasing my hunk of a beast,"Good morning to you too." I smiled knowing the wiggle would get me exactly what I wanted. My lycan couldn't resist, and I've always enjoyed good morning sex.

Growing in warning. He used his arm around my waist, rolling me onto my back. His body caging me in as he placed himself above me. A power move to show who's boss in the bedroom. I smiled knowing I was in charge, even if he didn't want to admit it. His sex pressed into my own, as my foot ran up and down the back side of his leg, urging him to comply. To give me what I wanted on this glorious day. 

His nose nudged mine before his lips captured my own in a flame of passion, that hasn't dimmed since the day we became partners. Mates. Our mouths falling in sink as he too sank into my sex, rolling his hips with a force of a rolling tide. His hip bones pressing into my thighs, stinging deliciously with every thrust. His teeth capturing the meat of my bottom lip, as my mouth opened in a cry of pleasure.

"That's right my juicy peach," he praised and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. "Come for
your mate," he rolled his hips deeper, hitting just the right spot, causing me to moan. "Come on good girl, soak me."

And I did.

I screamed and his hand covered my mouth, capturing my breath and release all in one. Making love to the other half of your soul is something I never knew could be enrapturing. It wasn't a second guess, or a we will see if this lasts. This was and will always be our forever. To know that very feeling and make love is the chemical hypothesis scientists searches to prove existed. But it will never be explained, because not even I can explain it beyond this point. It's as if words can't describe beyond two souls coming together as one.

Grayson gave a soft suck to my lips, bring me out of my haze. First I would finish him, giving into his every want and desire. Then I will make breakfast for my birthday girl, exactly how she likes it.


A stack of pancakes, smothered in strawberry syrup, topped with whipped cream, sat on one plate. While bacon, sausage and eggs with toast sat on another. I placed the cup of orange juice next to the milk and coffee, before lifting the tray. Sure it was over kill but nothing is more special then my baby's birthday. The time seven o' clock, so I knew she would still be in bed. I made my way up the stairs, turing right down the hall.

From here I could see her bedroom door was slightly cracked open. It was odd since she always had it closed but maybe it just didn't latch right. This is an old house after all. Coming up to her door, I used my hip to press into its weight. The door swung open as I stepped in, not bothering to knock. I announce my entry with, "Happy Birthday!" My grin ear to ear, looking at the empty bed.

To my dismay, she wasn't in bed and my smile sunk. She's never out of bed this early unless she's training with Grayson or Keyona and they gave her the day off. Carefully setting the tray of breakfast on her desk, I took haste in looking in her bathroom. The door also ajar and completely empty of her presence. Panic started to flood my veins as I started to reach out my emotions searching for her. Seconds later Grayson came barreling into the room, feeling my emotions.

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