Cain / Ravening

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Breaking from my tomb, I threw the bolder that sealed me inside. The one that would be my undoing has been born and thus my curse has been lifted. I knew what I had to do in order to escape my fate. What was to be done would send a message. I would show no mercy towards the blessing, God's chosen or not. He wouldn't best me like they had done before. I've had years to think, plan, and kill. Picturing the saluter more times then I can count in my dreams as I slumbered.

It wouldn't end like it did last time.

I wouldn't let man best me with the help of the angels. Man alone couldn't defeat me, but they did well in distracting me. The Angles did the real work while man reaped the benefit. Blindsiding me when my defenses were down, swooped in two angles. Raphael and Michele being the two who ultimately jailed me.

The lucky bastards.

Their strength had chained me for the time being, their enchantment decaying me for the slumber. They took pleasure in causing my pain, especially when pain was a foreign emotion for me. Lucifer had warned me before they had challenged me. But I let my ego get the best of me. I thought it was only man who I was up against. But it wasn't just me that was lost, they had taken my family.

They had picked off my regime one by one before making their final move on me. My name shed terror because of my savage ways. But my numbers are what held the masses at bay. I festered on it for years wondering how they had bested me, how they had taken my pack with ease. I was the Alpha of all and I was defeated. They took my warriors and that left me vulnerable, left me puny.

They beat me, drove there blade through my chest and broke each bone more then twice. When I had finally fallen to my knees Raphael had bound me, while Michele had warned me of the prophesy. They told me of the blessing and how he would bring me to my knees. That my lycan's days were numbered and not even I could stop what was coming. My death, or so they thought. I know but now that I make my own fate, and this will be no different.

I strode out into the desert, the moon half lit in the night starry sky. The moons glow caused me to squint unable to withstand the luminescent shine. Years of decaying in the darkness will do that. Flittering my eyes I tried to clear my sight, but without flesh I would remain weak. Unable to kill, but easy to imprison once again. I needed human blood to slide down my throat and human flesh to fill my belly.

Instinct was calling.

Glancing around I took in the territory, examining the resting place of my tomb. This was still a desert land, but it looked more cultivated. Man's touch has shifted the natural state of this land. I know because it was my guy to tend the fields once upon a time. Glancing to my right, I noticed an on next in the distance. Fencing lined an area about one hundred feet from were the entrance of my tomb stood. A farmers land filled with sheep and goats, plump for a predator to eat.

Only the blood of a lamb wouldn't suffice the monster in my bones. The blood of the lamb was the blood of God, and he rejected me. I needed something darker, something more sinister to maintain my health. What my body truly needed was human flesh. The blood of my father is the blood of sin itself. Only a human's flesh could heal me from my state of decay. Because no mater how good someone is there's always a darkness that lies beneath.

Tilting my head back, I then looked up sniffing the air searching for my dinner. Hopefully a family resided in that house because one man wouldn't sate my beast. Taking in a deep breath, my lungs expanders farther then before. My chest feeling like pins and needles as the last of the crystals in my lungs shattered. Coming back from mummification is a bitch.

Inhaling one more time, activity searching for my pray. I caught scent of a few different pheromones, activating my hunt. Realizing it was time to announce my arrival, I howled into the night sky, signaling to my kind that I have risen. The world may have evolved around me, but I'm still the same savage beast I was before. My name would strike fear once again and my family would become whole once more.

Strolling to the fence, I came upon the old wooden barrier. The sheep and goats running away from me in fear as their cries of panic spilled into the silence. Below me sat the water troff, my reflection in the night clear like a mirror. I snigger seeing my image, I looked like a rabid dog covered in mainge. Mummification wasn't for the faint of heart.

Just then a light from inside the house turned on, the silowet of a little girl stood in her bedroom window. Had I been a better man I would have left the children alone, but what I am is a beast. The man in me died the day my beast came to surface. The form left behind is but a shell of a man that was weak and pathetic. A perfect disguise of camouflage to hide in plain sight if I so choose. But tonight I needed to feed and she was the first to die by me teeth.

I lept from the earth, crashing through her window as she screamed waking the others. It took but a second to capture and take the life she once had. Her father ran into her room and my claws ripped his chest open in half the time. Her mother screamed, as blood smeared her face. Her feet running down the hall to another's. I took my time drinking in the essence of my first two victims, eating my first meal in centuries.

Regaining the strength that was once gone. I could feel the fur in my flesh start to grow and my eyes clearing of any haze that once was. My joints still a little stiff needing more then what the first wo kills had offered. But my blood lust was just as hungry as ever. That was the true beast that I had to satisfy. There death wasn't in vain because of them I'm one step closer to my original self.

My original beast.

Next on the menu, here I come. I was in control and it was I who hunted her. She couldn't hide I had her scent, I could smell the fear she emited and adrenaline she dumped. Her stench was strong and masking to any others in the house. But my feet stepped on the floor bords, creaking and giving way under my weight. With every step she knew I was getting closer and her death was inevitable. I stopped in front of the closed door. Smelling her scent as my ears twitched to life.

Pushing the door down it slamming to the ground in a thud and beautiful screams filled the air. The mother stood by and open window, her hands trying to shield her from me. With each heavy step I took my body gained more control. Her cries and please for the God above falling on deaf ears. With my claws I gripped her throat, lifting her to my stature. Her skin pulsing in its final moments as my canines ripped into the side of her neck.

When the person dies so does there scent, it fades and dies with them. But even with her dead, and her essence so strong. I smelt another. One other that was hiding from my hunger. I could smell but not see, until the sniffle came from under the bed. I tossed the mother, her body flopping on the floor. Gripping the beds frame I flung it across the room. Reveling yet another little girl who would soon meet the rest of her family.

After this I would head to the next house, and the next until my thirst was satisfied and hungered no more.

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