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We stood on the beach of the Dead Sea, it's water smooth as ice. Levi hided just beneath the calm, as my eyes scanned the surface. There would be an indication as to where he would be, the same as Lilith. A decay on this plain obvious as it's not meant for this world. The power they possess was of darkness, given to them by my bite and Beelzebub. This place was the perfect tomb for Levi, the location just east of Jordan.

He was the first of my pack to fall. They swept him away like the thief in the night, hitting me where it hurt. But now I'm here to resurrect him, just as Jesus did Lazarus. I looked around searching for my brother. The natural salt of this body of water was capable of cacconing Levi's body for imprisonment. Sealing him in time away from humanity and their discovery of him.

"There," Lilith pointed out in the distance upon a rock formation. The salt build white and ridged until it mingled with a poison. The black ink of darkness spreading throughout the salt like a plage. That was him no doubt. His body sunkin to the ground in a buoyant sea.

"Stay," I told her before diving into the crystal clear water. I didn't bother to wait for her reply, I knew she would obey my command. She always did.

Diving down, the salt burned my eyes, as my body fought the botany resistance. Swimming to the depths of the sea, I came upon a darkness in the salt. It's crystals shinny and black. I had to hold onto a bolder keeping me weighted enough to remain by his tomb. My first set of lungs out of air as my second set took over. My time under water dwindling with each second, as I eyed the mass before me.

Shifting my human hand into a lycan claw, I struck at the crystal casing. Flakes of Levi's tumb floated in the water releasing black ink. The smokey mist clouding my vision, as my claw struck again. My other hand holding the rock to keep me weighted. My lungs starting to burn from the lack of air to fill them. With a final strike the casing crumbled, the salt falling away as if sand in the wind. Levi's mummified body floating free from his restraints, beginning his ascension to the surface.

Dropping the rock, I pushed off from the soft bottom following Levi up. My hand shifting back to human in the process as my lungs burned like a fire, desperate for air. The closer death comes, the harder it is to hold my lycan form. My immortality was given to protect me from others, not from myself. Self infliction would cast aside the gift that was given and I was far from done.

Breaching the surface next to Levi's corpse, the two of us floated as I swam back to Lilith. She stood on the sea's edge eagerly awaiting my return. Her smile wickedly wide as she stepped into the water grabbing Levi's body. I took in a deep breath feeling my lungs expand with oxygen. Walking past Lilith, I stepped out of the sea feeling the weight of my body with each step I took on dry land.

The sun beat down on my flesh, warming me from the cool dip. The heat taking every drop of water cascading down my skin, leaving behind the salt of the Dead Sea. Lilith threw Levi's corpse onto the sand directly at my feet. Her eyes gleaming with zeal, ready to be reunited with the original pack of our kind. Without hesitation my knees crashed onto the sand. My hands gripping his shriveled arms as I hoisted him to my lap. Lengthening my canines, I bit into the salty flesh of my palm, brining it to the withered lips of Levi.

With every drop my blood that left my vein, her flesh became plumper and more vibrant. His body and mind  coming back to life within the blink of an eye. The crack of decayed flesh braking away from his body as new young and vibrant skin came to the surface. His lips locking over my flesh as he drank his fill to restore the gift that was given. I smiled petting his hair, cooing for him to drink his fill just as I did Lilith.

His lips left my flesh, blood coating his teeth as he smiled up at me. His eyes drifting to Lilith, lighting ablaze. Within a second of a breath she peeped onto his lap, straddling his waist as her hands grasped the sides of his face. Her lips locking with his licking the reminiscing of my blood from his mouth. She pulled away grabbing my neck in fever, bring my lips to hers. I let her guide me as my hand fisted Levi's long locks. My other hand wrapped around Lilith's extended neck, my fingers clawing into the flesh.

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