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Far way in the land of Israel, sat a tomb untouched by time. Its entrance hidden from humanity as centuries passed like a thief in the night. The people of the time had incased a monster, what they called the devil reincarnated. Locked away in a seal set by God himself, laid the corps of Cain. His body decaying like a mummy wrapped in bondage. The angles of Gods army had helped lock him away, for the beast he had become was far worse than the dragon God had cast from heaven. Demon's trembled in fear at the mention of his name, while Satan himself didn't dare to unleash him. The only thing capable of doing so was the release of God's gift.

The extinction of his race.

Cain's fingers felt like stone, his flesh hard as leather, even the whites of his eyes were hollowed and black like his soul. Locked in his stone prison, a new energy pulsing throughout his veins. The crimson red of his irises looked dull and blood thirsty. A drop of human blood would return them to their vibrant state. His lips curled revealing the length of his blood-stained canines. The mummification process was slowly reversing bringing his body back to life. Cain's bones cracked release their solidified state. It was painful but Cain relished in the pain because it meant he was alive.

A new breath of stale air filled his nostrils causing a growl to vibrate the casket he was in. With a forceful push the cover of his casket was sent flying across the room. It's stone shattering into the little pieces of sand that surround him. His decayed body sat up; with a twist of his neck, it caused a crack. Releasing muscles that had been atrophied long ago. Next, he rolled his shoulders limbering up enough to grab hold of the casket's edges. Stiffly he lifted his giant body from the stone casket. His lungs expanding causing his ribs to forcibly brake. He growled in pain clenching his teeth to bare through it. New air filled his lungs reviving his stone heart. Feeling strong enough Cain's feet stormed to the entrance of the tomb.

With a vicious growl and a snare upon his lips his body began to shift needing to feed on human flesh. Dark blood hair started to cover his flesh, his knees buckled bending backwards, the knife-like claws of his hands and feet appeared. An undeniable hunger struck his stomach that was deprived from him for so long. His hunger began to consume him as he journeyed for the first village he could find. Human flesh was Cain's only source of food, because not even wildlife could sate his beasts appetite. To him there was something about the way a human fell apart in his mouth. He salivated just thinking about his first victim to his wrath in ages. He doubted that even a village would sate him this time.

First feed.


Find the blessing and kill it.

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