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"Class 2-A, not bad V." JK smiled at me while he's still looking at the bulletin board looking for Seokjin and RM section.

I yawned a bit as I leaned at the side of the board while he was busy looking for their section. Though they were already 3rd year, we are obliged to find it out for them since they were going to be late today, especially RM who hates morning.

"Seokjin is in B and RM is A." JK jotted it down on his mini notebook and looked at me with a genuine smile, looks like he accomplished one difficult mission today.

I stood up straight and adjust my one-shoulder black leather backpack.

Today is my first day being a second-year high school, one year left and I'm going to leave this stupid school. It wasn't my choice to enter Musica et Natus in the first place. It was my father and brother Seokjin's idea since we were musically inclined, but for me I hate music.

Music only makes people believe in everything, and plays their emotions. No music can heal your heart and soul, and it will only make things more complicated than before. If people believe that music is the best stress-reliever then they are not thinking right.

"I heard you're in the same class with Jennie?" JK asked, causing my eyebrows to furrow.

"Who's Jennie?" I asked back as we were walking down the hall.

"Jennie Kim, RM's little sister. The one with the cat eyes? And also she's last year's academy beauty. Our classmates confessed to her last year, you don't remember?" JK explained.

Aside from I don't care about students here, I'm not into girls. No, I'm not gay. I just don't like the way they act and their ear-splitting shriek.

I covered my ears when I heard loud shrieks coming from the girls from behind. They are just one meter away and the way they shriek looks like we're miles and miles away.

"Okay girls, calm down." JK chuckled, but the girls shriek even more.

"I'm going inside," I told him and he just nodded.

If JK is the friendliest among the members of Douce Melodie, well, I am the snobbiest.

The moment I entered the classroom, everyone was looking at their books and notebooks. Most of them were guys and the only girl was sitting beside the window.

"Aren't you going to join our girl classmates outside, Jennie?" The guy beside her asked, but she shook her head. "Why? Douce Melodie is there."

"Are they important than my studies?"

A small smile escaped from my lips when I heard her response. So she's Jennie. I immediately sat behind her and put out my notebooks from my bag.

This girl is odd. The opposite of the girl I hate, but I don't like her either.

"Sorry," the guy said then sat in the front row, leaving the seat beside Jennie vacant.

Noises filled the room when the girls entered and also our teacher. She's carrying a pool stick in her right hand and two books on her left. Some sat on their chosen seat and some were arguing about who to sit beside me.

I looked at Jennie as she covered her ears because of the noise. She looked at me with knitted brows and signaled to choose who will sit beside me.

"What's the commotion all about?" The teacher asked and the girls silenced for a while.

"You guys can sit here." I stood up without smiling at them then sat beside Jennie.

"Dimwit." My right eyebrows raised when I heard her murmured.

Who is she calling dimwit? Me? It's the best choice for me though, I don't have to choose and no one will get hurt and jealous.

"If your fangirls throw an egg on me, I'll throw you out of this room. So stupid," she murmured again.

What a nice reason, but I won't move to another seat. Besides, being with the academy beauty is already a pleasure. If you know what I mean.

The teacher opened the book she put on her desk and wrote something on the whiteboard. Every eye was on us, and Jennie couldn't focus at all. I could see that through her gestures like drumming her fingers on the table and clicking a ballpoint pen open and close.

"Okay class, I want you to find a partner for our first-day activity." Our teacher instructed.

I leaned my chin upon my hand and looked at Jennie's poker face. Guess she didn't have the choice but to team up with me, since many guys are into her.

"Ms. Danvers, I don't have a partner, can I do it alone?" she asked, making me gasped.

So what am I? A ghost?

"Mr. Taehyung, do you have a partner?" Ms. Danvers asked me, ignoring Jennie's question.

A smirk escaped from my lips then shook my head. Nice move Jennie, but you're stuck with me.

"You two can work together," Ms. Danvers said then smiled at us.

Jennie rolled her eyes and heaved a sigh. "Guess, lady luck was smiling at you today."

"You should be thankful since I saved you from your fanboys," I emphasized the word fanboys for her to know that it's just a win-win situation and she doesn't have to act bitchy throughout the day.

She just ignored what I said then turned to our teacher, who's busy discussing the activity we're going to do.

My body froze when I saw the last bullet she wrote on the blackboard.

Sing a song to your partner, about how you feel for them.

"Why are you so quiet?" Jennie asked then looked at the board where I am looking right now.

"I don't sing."

Sweet Melody || Taennie [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now