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I was catching my breath when I reached the hospital where Jennie has been admitted since she started experiencing a heart attack. I saw RM and Jennie's parents, crying outside of the room. I felt like my feet became alive and dragged me in their direction.

"Taehyung, you're here." RM patted my shoulder. His eyes were red and swollen.

"Where's Jennie?" I asked.

RM pointed to the tables inside the room and there were four dead bodies covered with blankets. I opened the first three blankets and I was shocked when I saw their familiar faces. Those three guys raped Chaeyoung and chased Jennie in the building.

My heart raced when I was about to open the last corpse. I'm hoping it wasn't her, I'm hoping this wasn't her. My whole world crash when I saw her pale face. Her feline eyes were closed and her lips were not smiling anymore. I reached for her cold and stiff hand and noticed that there were lashes on her arm.

I turned to RM and he's just looking at me hopelessly.

"Where did she get this?" I asked, then removed the blanket enough just to see the stabs on her chest.

I covered my mouth in disbelief and my feet stepped backward. I turned to RM and Jennie's parents again, but they were just crying and sobbing.

"The witness said that Jennie was about to enter the school when those three guys put her in a sack. He didn't know what to do that's why she called the police and told them about the situation. Unfortunately, when the police came Jennie was already dead. She was stabbed multiple times in the chest and they whipped her body to death. The witness saw that those guys tried to escape that's why he stole the gun from the officers and accidentally shot and killed them." RM explained and swallowed the lump in his throat.

I shouted in pain. I don't care if people will look at me or judge me but the pain inside is killing the hell out of me. I want to kill them with my own hands right now, I want to whip them to death, and I want to stab them multiple times as they did to Jennie.

Everything is so unfair, the world is so cruel. Jennie tried to live her life longer than in just one night, those three guys took it from her. Who are they to do that? Are they God?

I knelt on the ground when my body got weaken. I don't have the strength anymore to stand or walk. I'll just stay here with her until I became okay. I don't leave my Jennie. She needs me.

"Mom, Dad, go home. I'll take care of everything. Get some rest, Jennie would be furious if she found out that you're being stubborn." RM tried to sound brave, and his parents nodded.

"I'm staying RM, just for tonight please." RM nodded at what I said.


I woke up in my room after a few hours of sleep. I slid off the bed and stretched my arms, cracking a few bones. I'm really tired yesterday. I was able to attend Jennie's funeral and sing her a song. I thought I'm going to be, but I wasn't. The pain still lingered in my heart and I couldn't forget what happened.

Jennie Kim is the ace of the school, the academy's beauty, and every guy was into her. She is the luckiest person living according to some students in MeN, because she got everything. But Jennie Kim is fighting for her life every day, trying to live longer than her estimated lifespan. She is a brave girl who didn't surrender despite all the obstacles life threw her. She is one-of-a-kind and the owner of the sweet melody we're listening to right now.

Before her funeral, we found her recordings on her phone. Her voice was so angelic and the way I sang her song was different from her recordings. Though the lyrics were sad, she managed to make it lively and she sang it clearly.

Never in my life did I once hope to meet her, but destiny gave her to me. I realized many things while I was with her. She made me see that everything would be okay if I just look into the bright side. She made me believe that being judged by people was fine as long as you know to yourself that you're not like that. She made me fall in love again, after my almost-death experience of heartbreak. She is a masterpiece just like her work. She is my paradox, my unending maze, and my eternal love.

"Are you're going to school today?" Jin asked me.


"You sure you're okay now?"

"Yes. She's gone, but she's always right here." I smiled and pointed my heart. 

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