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Few weeks passed and everything went well for Jennie. She was discharged yesterday and his brother said that she still needed some rest. Her parents also talked to our teachers and asked them what were the things Jennie need to do to cope up with others. They were considerate enough and told them that she just need to go to school again.

Today, we're preparing for tomorrow's event. Since Musica et Natus is one of the outstanding schools here, it was chosen to be the venue of the songwriting school competition. As the champion last battle of the bands, we were asked to perform for introduction number. Some said that Jennie should join the competition but since her parents declined and she's still recovering, the school decided not to join the competition and just sponsor them.

"So you have your introduction number?" Jin asked me, and I wiggled my eyebrows as an answer.

I asked Mr. Clinton if I could perform for tomorrow's event as a solo because I'm singing Jennie's song. He was delighted and sign the program right away. He said that it's his first time to hear my singing voice and he couldn't wait to hear it.

"Jennie is indeed talented, imagine she composed a song even she's in a coma," JK jested, making me glared at him. "I'm just kidding bro, chill." He laughed nervously.

"That's not funny," I said, and Jin patted my shoulder.

"Calm down, start practicing now. We're done, see you at home." Jin waved goodbye and JK followed him as they exited the practice room door.

The event will start at six in the evening. There were live streams too so Jennie wouldn't bother coming in MeN just to hear me sing. Besides, I could sing for her again when she's perfectly fine.

I tuned my guitar and hummed as I flip the pages of Jennie's composition notebook. She wrote lots of lyrics but didn't have a beat as of now. She has a note at the back that someday she'll learn how to play guitar and every lyric will have rhythm when the time comes.


10 minutes before the event, everyone was busy preparing for their turn. The Douce Melodie are preparing for the introduction and they let their fans watch them as they practice. Everyone was amazed as usual and praising them for being too good while I was sitting in the corner strumming my guitar.

Today is the day, and I can't wait to hear Jennie's comment after hearing her composed song sang by me. I can't help but smile from ear to ear as I imagined her praising me for doing a good job. I won't let my nervousness ruin my performance tonight.

"Please standby, many schools are watching and please give your best okay?" Mr. Clinton said to all of us and flashed a good luck smile.

I texted Jennie if she's watching the Livestream right now but she didn't reply, I guess she's already watching and didn't notice my message.

The crowd went wild when the Douce Melodie started their performance. Loud shrieks coming from the girls and they were all jumping up and down because of the beat. It was so lively and it seems like it's their first concert right now.

"Taehyung, you nervous?" Mr. Clinton asked while we were still backstage.

"A little." I smiled at him.

The moment the band finished performing, the master of the ceremony said that we'll be taking a short break and after that, it's my turn to sing. I jump up and down and let out a deep sigh.

"Where are you going?" Jin asked RM.

I turned to them and saw RM's red eyes. He's crying right now.

"My sister... Jennie needs me right now, I'm sorry." My heart pounded and my body froze. I couldn't move from where I'm standing.

The master of the ceremony called my name, but I went in RM's direction. He's now punching the wall backstage while sobbing. He knelt on the ground and Jin tried to comfort him.

"Taehyung, come to the stage. Many people are waiting for you, don't kill the vibe." Mr. Clinton pulled me, but I was looking at RM.

"She's gone, Jin. She's gone..." Those were the last words I heard from RM before Mr. Clinton pushed me to go out on stage.

The sudden silence fell upon when they saw. The seats here in the gymnasium were full and many people were waiting for me to sing. I don't know what to do, the only thing in my was Jennie and where she was right now.

"Go." Mr. Clinton motioned me, making me swallowed the lump in my throat.

I strummed my guitar as I prevented the tears from falling. I can't perform knowing that she's suffering right now. Jennie needed me right now.

"Do you know under all that show, girl I still can't let you go?" The energy left my whole system right now, and I couldn't sing the song clearly.

"Every day I die a little inside when I think of us a long time ago." Months, it's been months Jennie. You survived for many years, why can't you do the same this year? What about our Jerusalem trip? You were waiting for that right?

"I always thought that..."

"One day you'd leave me, the one that got away." I know that you're going to leave, but I wasn't ready. Maybe I'll never be ready for it.

"But I just want you to stay." I looked at the crowd and they all have teary eyes right now. I bet they could feel what I felt inside.

"Just now you were sitting next to me then you went away." We were just talking to each other last night, you were so happy and excited right?

"I walked with tears on my face and I laughed at my silliness." I laughed a little when I sang that part to remove my nervousness.

"But all I wanted was to be with you," I told you I'm willing to take a risk right? I can give you my heart if you asked for it.

"I'm not a perfect man, even so, stay, stay, stay with me."

"Oh, you remind me of this melody." My tears fell, but I tried to sound okay. This melody is your favorite melody among the ones you made. This is the masterpiece we wouldn't forget and the sweet melody I once regret. "Beautiful but kills me day by day."

"The way you left is such a felony." How can you leave without saying goodbye Jennie? How can you do that? "I really want to hate you, but I can't..."

The atmosphere was subtle, all have crashed. I couldn't continue, knowing that Jennie needed me right now. I need to go to her.

"I'm sorry Mr. Clinton, but Jennie's more important to me than this event." I ran outside the gymnasium and made my way to the gate of the school.

Sweet Melody || Taennie [Completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant