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Jennie was persistent to leave the seat beside me. I know, I suck. I just don't want others to view my life from their perspective. This is me, I easily get annoyed and I'm a hot-tempered person, the reason why my bandmates let me do what I want to do.

"She's my sister, V. And you know how much I love her. Even my parents couldn't shout like that in front of her then there you are, scaring and freaking the hell out of her. Are you out of your mind?" RM scolded me, and I just looked at the floor out of humiliation.

The news spread out like a wildfire in the academy. The teachers talked to me and even Ms. Danvers was so disappointed. This would happen if you shout and scare that special girl. She was the ace of the academy because of her undeniable beauty and talent. She can even compose a song for only an hour, that's how talented she is.

"Then who will be our next manager?" JK worriedly asked RM.

"We should be thankful that she accepted my offer, even if that fvcker harassed her." RM was referring to me, I know.

Harassed? That's an exaggeration. I couldn't look at them in the eyes, and I couldn't move from my seat. I am embarrassed about what I did.

"Hi, Jennie!" My eyes brightened up when I heard JK.

Jennie is here, that's a relief.

"RM told me that I have to sign something?" Jennie asked and JK gave him the folder containing the documents.

"We need to pass that today to Mr. Clinton, I'm glad you accepted the offer, Nini." JK smiled at her and she smiled back before signing the document.

That smile, it was fake. I know it.

Jennie left the room after signing and JK turned to me. He tossed me the folder and motioned me to pass it to Mr. Clinton which I hurriedly did. I'm at fault right now so I won't sulk on how they are treating me right now.

"I heard what happened Taehyung, I can't say that I'm not disappointed." Mr. Clinton took the folder without glancing at me.

"I'm sorry," I said then bowed my head.

I was startled when he patted my shoulder, causing me to lift my head and look at him while he's smiling at me.

"You know how much this school loves Jennie Kim, right? Her father donated most instruments here so she can study without worrying about things. I hope you'll ask for her forgiveness sincerely, just like you did a while ago." He smiled again and motioned me to get out of his office.

I ambled outside of the office, not knowing where to go next. We still have a meeting at our practice room but I just can't face them right now.

From: Jin

Go home after the meeting, we're going to have dinner with RM's family.

Bullseye! I forgot.

What if her parents found out about what I did? Could I face them?

To: Jin

I'm not feeling well, can you just go without me?

After I sent the message, I looked around as I was waiting for my brother's reply. I saw Jennie coming out from the third-year building, running and excessively sweating.

My eyebrows furrowed when I saw three guys coming after her. No students were around right now since the class was finished. Most teachers are already outside and the only people here are in the practice building and which is several meters away from where Jennie was running.

My feet moved on their own and chased Jennie entering the first-year building. The guys entered too, making my heart pounded. So it wasn't my imagination, they were following Jennie. What do they want?

When I reached the second floor, Jennie was nowhere to be found. I chased my breath before checking every room. The three guys went to the third floor when they saw me. I was about to follow them when I heard a whisper inside the room.

"Mom..." It was Jennie.

I hurriedly open the door and she was startled to see me. She was sitting under the teacher's table, trembling and crying.

"It's fine, I'm here." I don't know why, but seeing her like this made me cry too.

I remember what happened years ago, about what happened to my ex-girlfriend. Same situation and same time of the day.

"They're not MeN's students, Taehyung." She hugged me tight as she continued crying. "Mr. Lee asked me to get his briefcase in the third-year building when I saw them stealing something on the teacher's table. I tried to stop them, but before I could speak the other guy‒" before she could finish her story, she suddenly passed out.

I carried her bridal style and ran to the infirmary, but the nurse wasn't around. I checked her pulse and she was hardly breathing. The tears gushed down as I look for oxygen inside the infirmary.

Damn, why does history needs to repeat itself?

"What happened?" The infirmary doctor came, and I immediately told him what happened.

He was about to give her CPR when I pushed him away.

"I'll do it, I know how to do it." I was about to give Jennie air through the mouth to mouth when she opened her eyes and gasped for air.

She was now chasing her breath, and the doctor looked at me with knitted brows as he caressed Jennie's back. His gazes turned to Jennie and it wasn't the same as he looked at me.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lee. I didn't get what you asked me to." Jennie looked on the floor, but the doctor just smiled and nodded at her.

There's something wrong here.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you two, but RM was looking for his sister." I lied and then grabbed Jennie's hand.

She looked at me with confused eyes yet she just let me pulled her outside the infirmary. Mr. Lee was about to say something when I slammed the door close and pulled Jennie gently this time.

"Go home, I'll just wrap things up." I gave her a reassuring smile.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Just go home, everything's going to be fine. I promise."

Years ago, I was not brave enough to protect my girl, but today's different.

"Be careful, Taehyung."

I nodded at her and went to the first-year building's third floor.

Sweet Melody || Taennie [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now