Oh How It's Been So Long

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May 15, 2015

Everything happens for a reason. I created this band because of my passion for music. I fell in love with Brendon because we were meant for each other. Brendon and I broke up because he loved Sarah. The band split because we argued all the time. Brendon and Sarah divorced because Sarah wasn't loyal. Brendon and I are back together because we love each other. And I'm in the band because of my passion for music. It's all a cycle. Our lives are cycles but the cycles are so long they don't seem like cycles. This makes no sense.

"Hey Ryan?" Brendon called from his bedroom. I put my pen down on the desk and went to see why he was calling my name. I found Brendon anxiously pacing the floor in his room, staring at the screen of his phone.

"Yeah?" I placed my hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him though I wasn't sure what he was so nervous about. He sighed and ran his hand through his dark brown hair.

"I want to tell them that you're back in the band."

"I- uh... I guess you should. I mean they need to know someday." I nervously stood behind Brendon, peeking at his phone's screen.

"Dear our devoted fans,
Back in the summer of 2009, two of my best friends in the whole world left this band. We felt that our creative differences were harming our relationships as friends and as partners. It was certainly for the better and none of us ever regret that decision that we made. However, over these past six years we have all matured as people and as artists. We've learned that creative differences can be put together to create masterpieces and cooperation is key in the music business. We have all resolved our relationships and feel that it is time to announce this news. As of March 22, 2015, Ryan Ross and Jon Walker are official members of Panic! At The Disco. Unfortunately, our beloved Dallon Weekes has parted from the band and will be dearly missed. We hope this news brings joy to our old and new fans who may or may not already know Ryan and Jon.
Brendon Urie"

I glanced at the message he wrote on the website and I nodded my head in support.

It's now or never.


Family. That's what the fans are. They keep me going. They love me. Support me. Encourage me. But sometime they're not so... wonderful.

My eyes filled with tears seeing all the replies to the message that Brendon posted on the website. I saw quite a few people saying that they were crying with happiness. The positive comments were making my heart swell with joy until I spotted something that caught my eye.

"That conceited attention seeker is coming back? I started listening after he left and I'm afraid I'll have to stop listening. He left in the first place, why is he allowed back?"

"Why does he have to come back? He'll just whine about not getting to sing as much as Brendon. I hope he leaves again."

"Are you kidding me? Ryan Ross is coming back? I'm so done with this stupid band."

"Just when we thought Urie was a solo act. Ha! Now Ross will beg for the spotlight."

"After six years? Did Ryan pay to come back?"

Brendon looked at me with sadness and placed his hand on my shoulder. "It's okay Ryan, they're just, er, jealous."

They hate you Ryan. Just face it, you're a failure.

"It's okay, it doesn't bother me!" I lied and plastered a fake smile on my face. Brendon sighed happily and put his arm around my shoulders.

"Now, how bout we meet up with the gang and write some songs?" He proposed an idea. I nodded my head and followed him to the living room. We sat on the couch and Brendon dialed up Spencer's number on his phone.

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