Elle A Besoin De Toi, Cela Vient De Matilda

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June 8, 2015

The five of us entered the hospital, immediately bombarded with strange stares. A doctor greeted us in the entryway and told us he would show us to Matilda's room.

"And how old is she?" Spencer asked.

"Thirteen. A real spunky kid, watch out!" The doctor remarked. We all laughed as we made our way down the pale green hallway. It reminded me of the time that Brendon fell down the stairs and broke his arm and his leg and I visited him in the hospital.

As we made our way into the room I immediately noticed a young girl sitting in a hospital bed. She was very thin and had very pale skin and light blue eyes. She had a full head of curly brown hair, which told me that she either hadn't started chemotherapy yet or it was a wig.

The girl turned to face us and her face immediately lit up. Tears came rushing out of her eyes and she covered her mouth with her hands in disbelief.

"Ryan! Brendon! Spencer! Jon! Zack!" She exclaimed. Her voice was a bit raspy but as sweet as syrup.

"You're Matilda then?" Jon said. Matilda nodded and reached up to give me a hug. I was surprised at how bony her tiny arms were, but of course I didn't say anything. I graciously accepted the hug.

"I'm Matilda! Yes, I was named after the Roald Dahl book. And, in case you were wondering, this is my real hair. The chemotherapy they use is different than what they use on most people so I still have all of my hair."

"Your hair is very beautiful Matilda," Brendon complimented her. Matilda blushed and said thank you.

"You know, you're pretty strong to be putting up with everything that's going on with you," Spencer said. Matilda sighed and shook her head.

"Not really. Everything is so difficult, sometimes I feel like I can't handle it. But then I listen to your music and it helps me get through the day. When you announced that Ryan and Jon were coming back I nearly screamed with excitement!" She laughed.

I noticed the way her eyes lit up when mentioning the band. It reminded me of the way I used to act around Brendon back when we were teenagers. What is that look in her eyes?

Is it... love?

Yes it is

"You know Matilda, when you talk about our band I see something in you that reminds me of myself when I used to look at Brendon back when he first joined the band. It's love!" I remarked.

"Wait... are you ready to tell the media then?" Brendon whispered to me. I shrugged and turned back to Matilda.

"Love isn't an easy thing to come across. But when you truly love something, it's no secret. Whenever I listen to your music I get this hopeful and familiar feeling. I'm moved from hospital to hospital all the time and I feel like the only thing that I can hold on to is your music. It makes me feel like I have a home," Matilda explained to us.

"Honestly, you're a smart kid. You're just a smart human. I am so glad that we can give you something to hold on to. I'll never forget you Matilda," I said sincerely.

"I will never forget you."


"Matilda. Wow, what a kid!" I was still in disbelief at the wisdom of the young girl whom I'd just met. I was driving the rest of the band back to my house so we could hang out and write songs.

I was feeling unusually happy and inspired so I decided to utilize the rare feeling and be creative.

Once we arrived at my house we arranged ourselves on the couch and got to writing.

"I think we should write a song for the fans," I blurted out. "I mean, they've done so much for us and it's time we dedicate something to them."

"That's a great idea! But we shouldn't make it too obvious. Hmm... we should write it in French!" Spencer exclaimed.

"First we write it in English. Then we can translate it to French," Jon logically added in. Brendon agreed and we got to work on the song.

After a tiring five hours, our song was done. Well, the English version.

(Verse 1)
You have done so very much, how could we ever repay you?
Concerts, signings, all the such. Never enough, but how
Could we possibly give you the feeling of ecstasy
We get when you scream out our names from the audience
Friends, this is for you.

You scream my name, I feel the joy
It's not enough, I need to see
The smile on your face when you listen
This is for you

(Verse 2)
Now listen, this isn't just another stupid love song
Well... it kind of is
I love to see your faces when you see ours
The scars on your hearts repaired
Friends, this is for you


Now this love is indefatigable
But never too much to spare
The venue is packed, sweat in the air
But I see every one of you

(Chorus x2)


Vous avez fait beaucoup, comment pourrions-nous jamais rembourser vous?
Des concerts, des autographes, tous les tels. Jamais assez, mais comment
pourrions-nous vous donner le sentiment de l'ecstasy
nous obtenir lorsque vous crier notre nom de l'auditoire des
amis, c'est pour vous.

vous crier mon nom, je ressens la joie
qu'il ne suffit pas, j'ai besoin de voir
le sourire sur votre visage lorsque vous écoutez

ceci est pour vous

(Verse 2)
désormais écouter, ce n'est pas simplement une autre chanson d'amour stupide
bien... c'est
j'aime à voir votre visage lorsque vous voyez que
la nôtre, les cicatrices sur vos coeurs réparé
amis, c'est pour vous


maintenant cet amour est infatigable
, mais jamais trop pour épargner
le lieu est emballé, sueur en l'air
mais je voir chacun d'entre vous

(Chorus x2)

"Perfect!" I shouted excitedly.

"How am I going to memorize this?" Brendon stared at the paper with wide eyes. I shrugged and ran to my room to grab my guitar.

"We still need to write the music!"

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