Whether Near Or Far I Am Always Yours

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July 27, 2015

(Get ready for some major feels)

"Are you ready to go?" Brendon shouted. I brushed through my hair one more time and ran out of the bathroom. It was late afternoon and Brendon and I were going to a picnic at a small park.

"I'm all ready!" I smiled and pecked Brendon's lips. He blushed and grabbed our picnic basket and the keys.

"Let's go!"


By the time we arrived at the park the sun was just beginning to set. We put down our picnic blanket right next to a beautiful fountain with crystal clear water.

I sat down right next to Brendon on the checked blanket and pulled my sandwich out from the basket. A subtle breeze mixed with the sound of splashing water and chirping birds made me feel happier than I'd been in a while.

"Ryan, I love you. I really really do," Brendon spoke truthfully.

Oh you don't even know.

"Those three words are being thrown around so much these days. I wish there was something I could say that would actually portray what I'm feeling!" I spoke frustratingly. Brendon was silent for a moment when he suddenly grabbed my hand.

"Come with me."

Brendon helped me up and we walked together to a small garden area in the park. It smelled of roses and looked absolutely stunning.

"Ryan, I don't take just anybody here. But let me tell you something, okay? When I was little my family vacationed in California every summer. And every time we visited here my mom would bring me to this garden. She told me that all of these roses symbolized how much she loves me and as long as they lived, she would love me. She told me only to share this with people that I truly love and that's why you're here."

My eyes brimmed with tears and I was speechless. I couldn't even see the grass because of all the beautiful roses and at that moment I knew exactly how much Brendon loved me.

"George Ryan Ross, I have been so privileged to have been your best friend for the past 11 years. We have had our ups and downs but through it all I've known that you are the one for me. Every day I wake up and you're always on my mind. You make me the happiest man in the world and I want out lives to always include each other. You are my heart, my soul, my missing piece," Brendon sank to one knee. "Ryan Ross, will you marry me?"


I burst into tears and covered my mouth with my hands. Brendon held out a velvet box with a beautiful silver ring inside that he gently slid onto my left ring finger. He stood up and his face was beaming.

"Yes yes I love you so much Brendon," I blabbered. Brendon grabbed my shaking face and kissed me with as much love as I was feeling for him. I squeezed him in a big bear hug and never wanted to let go.


"I love you so much," I whispered. Brendon and I were cuddled under a blanket watching Big. Brendon grabbed my hand and held it in his.

His eyes still crinkled when he smiled the same way they always had. I kept fiddling with my engagement ring and smiling down at it.

"Ryan you're so beautiful," Brendon spoke. I smirked and kissed his cheek. Everything was so right.

Little did I know.

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