The Kids Aren't Alright

994 52 59

August 1, 2015

TW// sad, blood, :(

"She's gone," Brendon's words echoed in my head. The world slowed in an attempt for me to unscramble my thoughts.

I loved you. Ever since the day we met I knew we would be best friends. Your bright orange hair and your giant smile. The bubbliest teenager I'd ever met. You had a spring in your step and you were always happy. When you caught me kissing your brother you were sad. The day my dad died I found out you liked me. But that soon went away and we were best friends again. You smiled at the world and cursed the rain. Our bond was irreplaceable. You helped me through so many things even after I left the band. You were one of my best friends and a special one at that. I hope you can hear me. I really hope you know. I loved- I love you Hayley.

"My baby," Mrs.Urie sobbed. The officer carried her limp body to the car window and lowered her so her mother could say her last goodbyes.

"Hayley," she whispered.

"She is in fatal condition, we need to take her to a different hospital. We will take her to LA Medical Hospital." the officer explained.

She's alive?

"Oh my poor daughter. Okay, you should take her. We will be there as quick as we can," Mrs.Urie was shaking. The officer carried Hayley away into a police car. He hopped in and drove away.

"I'm so glad she's alive," Brendon let out a sigh of relief.

"Me too Brendon, me too."


My tennis shoes squeaked on the linoleum floor. Sickly green walls covered with paintings of various landscapes brought back memories of my childhood and my teenage days. Watching my father swear loudly at the nurses as they cowered in fear. The great pain in my mother's face as he spat out vulgar insults at her.

"Bad memories," I muttered under my breath as we made our way towards Hayley's hospital room.

"May we come in?" Mrs.Urie quietly tapped on the door. An unfamiliar voice told us to come in.

A blond woman stood at the end of Hayley's bed. I assumed she was the nurse who was taking care of her.

Hayley was unconscious but she had a peaceful look on her face.

"Hayley has two broken arms and a fractured knee. She will need about two months to recover. We will put her casts on tomorrow but for now she is in two splints and a knee brace."

I turned to Brendon and he had an odd look on his face. His eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly opened.

"Are you okay?" I whispered to him. He took a deep breath and stepped toward the door.

"I have to use the restroom," he rushed out of the room.

"Does she have any brain damage?" Spencer asked.

The nurse thought for a moment. "Not that we've detected, but we will have to wait until she wakes up."


Something's not right



"I have to go, please excuse me," I created open the door and stepped into the cold hallway. An eerie beeping noise echoed throughout the corridor.

I walked toward the bathrooms where I heard a faint groan come from one of the stalls.

"Uhh, Brendon?" I hesitantly called out. A sniffle came from the stall I was stood right in front of. I recognized Brendon's shoes underneath the door.

"Oh Ryan, I'll be out in a second."

An all too familiar scent came floating from the stall. I began to feel queasy as I saw a scarlet liquid drop to the ground. My mouth hung open but I couldn't speak. I just backed up into the sink and kept my eyes locked onto the stall.

"B-Brendon? Please stop," my voice echoed faintly.

"It's so hard," he cried, "seeing my dear sister like that. I don't want to do this. But I have to. It's the only way out. It makes me feel numb, immune to the pain. I don't want help. Please don't feel bad for me. It's okay, I'll be gone soon."




"I'll be gone soon."


The realization hit me and I quickly ran towards the stall. I yanked on the door but it was locked. I looked round the room for a way to get into the stall. My eye spotted the trashcan and I grabbed it and flipped it over in front of the stall. I stood on it and swung my leg over the door. I gently stopped down in front of Brendon.

Red. Why. Can life just be normal?

(Okay I'm skipping the details because I'm too uncomfortable even writing this. Sorry)


I pressed the last bandaid over Brendon's arm and turned on the faucet to clean out the sink.

"I'm sorry."

My head snapped up. Brendon was staring helplessly into my eyes.

"No, I'm sorry. I have been so focused on my own problems I haven't even thought about your feelings," I held his cold hand in mine. Brendon gently pressed his lips to mine and pulled away.

"I just want to be happy."


Okay, sorry this chapter was short. I usually write these chapters based on my mood but I think they've actually started to affect my mood in a negative way. I am going to start making this story happier because I think that will have a positive impact on me! Sorry that everything has been so sad. It's summer, so hopefully I will be able to write more. I appreciate you all very much and I hope you still like this story. I'm always afraid somebody won't like one chapter so they'll stop reading :( I would really love some feedback since I usually don't get very much. Well, thanks for reading!

You Clicked Your Heels And Wished For Me (Ryden)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang