20. Ego Builder

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After a few more minutes of awkward silence, Louis let out a groan, mumbling something along the lines of "this is fucking stupid".

He stood up and, in probably the lowest voice ever, told Luke he better get his shit straight and a few other things you'd say to your ex who you just found out was cheating, motioning for me to follow him and walking out of the building.

What made this situation scarier is that he was emotionless almost the entire time he was yelling at Puke. It makes it scary for Puke, not me. I'm amused.

I said bye to the boys, none of them even acknowledged me as they were still wide-eyed, mouth opened. Hell, I was still in shock! But, I can see Louis outside of the building walking away angrily, so I best not test him. No time to dwell.

I kind of feel bad for Louis, honestly. I mean, that really deteriorates your ego when someone has an affair. But with an old man? He must feel horrible.

But, I'm bad at comforting so he'll have fun with being depressed while I just sit and watch.

When I reached Louis, he let his emotionless facade fall just a bit.

"Harry?" Louis said my name as if it were a question, like he didn't think I would actually come out with him.

"Louis." I replied.

"I thought you'd stay in there."

"With that scum-bag, Puke? No way. I'd much rather hang with you." I said, letting a little, and hopefully comforting, smile form on my face.

Louis' lip twitched up, then down again.

"C'mon, let's go on our date." Louis said, motioning to the other side of his car.

"Our what?" I asked him.

I didn't know it would happen so quick. I'm not ready! I'm wearing nothing special! Not even my lucky underwear!

"Our date, stupid."

"I know, but wh-"

"Harry, get in the car and we'll ask question on our wedding night."

"Okay then-wait, our what?"

"What did I say about questions?"

"But we're not-"

"Harry." Louis scolded.


Louis gave a victory smile and climbed into the drivers' side of the car, while I walked to the passengers side.

I have a good and bad feeling about what will happen today. Things could go horribly wrong, horribly right, or just horribly.

Once Louis and I both buckled up, he started the car and started to drive off. We're going in the opposite direction of where our houses are. Which leads me to believe we're heading far away.

It looks like he knows where he's going too:

Not looking at directions, turning his blinker on two miles before the turn, no hesitation, knows which roads to skip so he doesn't have to sit in a traffic light, and constantly looking not at the road. Well, these could just be signs of him being the god-like driver he is, or a sign of him leading me into no where, but whatever. We'll figure it out.

Watching Louis is bliss. His side profile is the best, jawline is perfect, button nose sticks up and out just right, you can see his blue eyes just a bit but you can still see the lightness and beauty of them.

I don't remember when I started realizing these things, but this sight just feels so..familiar. It feels like it belongs in my gaze. My whole life I've been wondering why I was put here, and if I were to have an answer and that answer was "to stare at Louis" I would accept my fate. I've never been so at peace than I am when I stare at Louis. I know I've felt this before.

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