Ch. 1

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Dust spread throughout the tiny room. Cobwebs inside every corner. Pulled up floorboards with a cot and pillow in the center with a tiny box of knickknacks. This is what I call home. Home. I may not seem like much but it's mine. None of us have much at the Eastwood Orphanage. Yep. I'm an orphan. M Jule. I never knew my parents and I don't know me at all even thought next week is my 17th birthday. M. No first name...that I know of. I'm a common case. Orphan without any knowledge of parents. In lucky Eastwood lets me go to public school. Wants me to make friends I guess. Yeah right. They'd say,"Hi my name is Kathy what's your name?" And I'd reply,"M. I don't know my first name." Great first impression huh? I only like public school because I can get a proper education. Straight A's. My entire life and still nothing about me or mom or dad. I open my knickknack box and pull out a small silver locket. I open it to find nothing but some dust. I take my baby picture out. It's just me in the picture. No mom or dad. It's practically worthless. I only hang onto it because it was taken when I had a mom and dad. I slump down onto my cot as Ms. Ruth comes in. "So M how was school?" She asks. "Eh." I respond putting my locket away. M's. Ruth sets down a plate with chicken and a water bottle. I smile as she leaves. I devour the food and take my tennis ball and throw it at the wall. Again and again and again. I'm so bored. No TVs. No phone. Nothing to entertain myself. I wish I had homework. Harper Woo from next door bursts into my room with an angry look on her face. "M stop it! You'll make a dent in my wall!" Harper yells. "Sorry." I mutter. Harper is 16 and has been here for 11 years. Her mom died after giving birth and her dad left Harper when she was 5. I felt bad for her but I'd been here longer. 14 years. I remember the day Harper arrived.
A blonde girl walked into the hall screaming and crying. She punched M's. Ruth in the chest. "No! No! You can't! You. Can't! I wanna stay with Daddy!" The blonde girl screamed. M's. Ruth gave her a candy bar saying," Harper you'll be very happy here." Harper waved at me and I smiled and said,"Hey Harper! I'm M! Wanna be friends?" She nodded shyly. I ran into my room and smiled the biggest smile singing quietly,"I've got a friend! I've got a friend!" Harper came in that day later and we played with her dolls for hours until dinner. Ms. Ruth said to me,"I'm proud of you M for being so nice to Harper! Here's a candy bar!" I grinned and tested the wrapping. Ms. Ruth rarely gave out candy bars.
At 9:00, I changed into black sweatpants and a baggy blue T-Shirt. I took of my watch and put it in my box. A few minutes later, Ms. Ruth came in and said,"Goodnight M! Tomorrow is another day!" She always said that to raise our hopes into thinking our parents would come but she knew they never would. I lay down on the pillow, which is as hard as a rock. I hate the orphan life. I hate that it's Friday. No school tomorrow. On Saturday, every child at the orphanage goes outside to the courtyard and plays games with Ms. Ruth and her boss Ms. Julia. I personally hate Saturday's and Sunday's 10 times more. I wish I could just walk away to the school and hang out in the library. A good book or two would be nice. Harper walks into my room. "Hey Harper." I say sitting up. "Hey um do you think it would be possible for me to...I don't know...escape?" She asks. My jaw dropped to the dusty ground. "Are you serious?" I ask. "Yeah. I got a letter from my dad." Harper says. "No! Are you out of your mind? This place sends the FBI to search for you if you go to school without permission! If you escape...well you don't want to know. Please tell me you won't." I state. We sit in awkward silence. "Then leave me alone." I say as she leaves. No one has ever escaped this place.

Authors' Note: I hope you like this chapter! It's more of an intro chapter to explain M's personality but I hope you like and comment! I hope you all have an awesome spring break!!!!!!!!!!!:)

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