Ch. 5

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I'm so happy there's no McKenzie. No McKenzie no problems! No worries! Except for escaping this place and finding out about my parents and myself and schoolwork. But I have a plan. And it is going to work. But, I need every orphan's help which is going to be hard to get. I need to do some spying first to confirm my suspicions and to find out something new. Tomorrow morning I will spy on Ms. Ruth. Until then I have to make everyone else unsuspecting about my master plan. Or at least I think it's a master plan. But I know it's great. I sit in my room and look in my backpack. Would you look at that? I do have homework after all! Yes! This Sunday is turning out to be pretty great! I have Math homework. Geometry. Oh boy! I love Geometry! And I also have to write a monologue for Theater. I love Theater way more then Geometry! Way more! And also I have English homework. I have to write an essay about the Revolutionary War. I bet I'll have it done in an hour! Let's do this!
Whoa! 2 hours and 27 minutes! I'm so awesome! I decide talk to Harper. I walk into her room. She's writing a letter back to her dad. I read over her shoulder.

Dear Dad,
I love you so much. I can't escape right now. But I think M is trying so maybe she can help me. I wish she would stop being so nosy. I'm pretty sure she read your letter. I'll try to escape by next week but if I can't I hope you understand. Dad please don't be mad. I love you and all but if you really love me then you would have escaped me already. But you didn't. You say you love me and all but do you? I love you but do you love me in return?
Your daughter,

Wow. I can't believe she said that about me! I thought we were best friends! And I'm not nosy! Well maybe I am a little nosy. I am reading her letter to her dad. It's only a matter of time before..."M?" Harper shouts,"what are you doing here?" She asks. "I came to check on you." I answer. I quickly leave before she gets suspicious. Today we aren't allowed to play any games. Yes! I sneak of to a library to check out a book from this century. I can't get in trouble because they can't track me. After seeing a huge selection of books, I finally choose The Selection. I hide the book in my pocket as I walk back to the orphanage. I sit down on my cot and open the book to Chapter 1. I dive into the book.
An hour later, Ms. Ruth comes in and says"lunchtime M!" I slip my book into my cot and eat mac&cheese. I then crawl back to my cot and read some more. I'm on Chapter 13. America needs to get over Aspen and choose Maxon! This girl has no common sense! Harper then walks in and says,"M how come you keep saying No America and keep gasping and laughing?" "It's this book! So good!" I say. "Where from?" She asks. "School library." I answer. She leaves and I continue reading. I'm a really good liar.
72 minutes later and I'm done! Wow that was really good! I need the sequel! Now is the perfect time to tell Harper my plan. I walk into her room. "Hey Harper I have a plan for me I mean us to escape." "Really?!" Harper asks. "Yep. So first I need to tell you something. Eastwood is tracking us. That pimple on your neck isn't really a pimple." I explain. Harper has a shocked look on her face. "This might hurt." I warn as I rip it off her neck. She steps on it. "Good now tomorrow night everyone is going to destroy their trackers at the same time. We're slowly destroying this place." I say. She nods and I walk down the hall about 3 feet before being interrupted by Harper. "Where are you going?" "Nowhere." I lie. I'm good. I leave to the library to get the sequel. The Elite. "You know what?" I ask the librarian,"Can I also have the last book the One?" She hands me the books and I head back to Eastwood. It's reading time!

Authors Note: Hey guys I know this chapter is kind of confusing with all the stuff but I just wanted it to seem more like reality because everyone has a lot going on in their lives. Please like and comment! Continue to have an awesome spring break!!!!:)

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