Ch. 8

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History class is like attending a preschool. Everyone is so immature and loud. The teacher walks in...eventually. "My goodness! You students should be ashamed! You do not act like that ever!"Mrs. Court shouts. Then she glances at me. "Of course I don't blame you M." She says with a grin. Then she talks about Ancient Greece. I want this period to be over already. Mrs. Court explains,"This Friday you have a test. I suggest you study hard and then you will get a good grade." Natalie walks in the room with a pink tardy pass in her hand. "Natalie we've talked about this." Mrs. Court says,"if you're going to be late, you need to come at least 10 minutes later. I'd like to get at least some teaching done before you arrive." This would see confusing to a new student but Natalie does not like to learn. She stops the class when she comes in. She always turns on the radio and every time Mrs. Court tries to teach she says,"no no." Her mom is the principle and can expel Mrs. Court so she just goes with it. It's a good thing Natalie gets sick a lot so when ever she's sick, we have a test. Natalie takes out her 6plus. That girl really is spoiled. She turns on the radio and Style by Taylor Swift starts playing. "Cuz we never go out of style!" Natalie shouts dancing on her desk and singing off key. She continues to sing the song and the class starts to cover their ears. It isn't perfect but it sounds like a dying cat when the bridge comes. "Just take me home!!!!!!" Natalie screams. Mrs. Court personally walls over to the radio and turns it off. "Hey!" Natalie shouts. "I was doing you a favor." Mrs. Court says. Natalie turns the radio back on and Mrs. Court warns,"no singing! Just lip synching!" Natalie crosses her elbows. Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars starts playing and the boys are banging on the desks with their fists. "Don't damage the classroom!" Mrs. Court scolds,"hey class. Mrs. Cone has planning period right now. Do you want to have a singing contest for 50% of your grade?" The class begins bouncing around in their seats. "I'll take that as a yes." Mrs. Court says. She walks out of the room and Matt glues her water bottle to her desk. "You shouldn't be pranking the teacher." I say. "Well you should be minding your own business." Matt says. I roll my eyes and wait for Mrs. Court to come back. Matt scurries to his seat as Mrs. Court and Mrs. Cone walk into the classroom. "Hello Mrs. Court's 2nd period! I'm Mrs. Cone and I will be judging your singing to a song. Natalie do you have a CD?" Mrs. Cone says. Natalie nods and pops in her CD. "We will be doing this in ABC order." Mrs. Court states. "Matt your up first." Matt walks up and asks Natalie,"can I see the song list?" Natalie hands Matt the song list.
1: Blank Space
2: Shake it Off
3: Uptown Funk
4: Am I Wrong
5: Ain't It Fun
6: Amnesia
7: Bang Bang
8: Counting Stars
9: Fancy
10: Happy
11: Human
12: Sugar
13: Jealous
14: Problem
15: Dark Horse
16: Roar
17: Rude
18: Style
19: Steal My Girl
20: She Looks So Perfect
21: Stay With Me
22: What Makes You Beautiful
23: Hot and Cold
24: Treasure
25: Just The Way You Are
26: Love Me Like You Do
27: One Last Time
28: Teenage Dream
"These are all girly pop songs. I guess I'll do Just the way you are." Matt says. He starts to sing the song and he sounds really good. "Cuz your amazing just the way you are!" When he finishes I whack his back. "Hey! What was that for?" Matt asks. "I didn't know you were in chorus!" I say. He blushes and says,"yeah well guys can sing." Amy sings Human, Fern sings Amnesia and when Derek sings Uptown Funk, the whole class feels that city vibe. "Natalie its your turn." Mrs. Court says. "I'm singing Problem." Natalie says. Please don't sing Problem Natalie. Those notes are way to high for you. Your only going to end up embarrassing yourself." I thought. She starts and I realize I'm holding my breath. "Head in the clouds, got no wait on my SHOULDERS! I should be wiser and realize that I'VE GOT!" Natalie sings. It sounds like nails on a chalkboard. Her singing gets worse and worse and then kind-of funny. I realize I'm holding back a grin. When I can't take it anymore, I burst into laughter along with the rest of the class. "M!" Natalie shouts. "Yeah guys that wasn't funny!" I say trying to sound serious and avoiding eye contact with Natalie. For some reason, Mrs. Court calls on Jazlyn Johnson and skips me to Willow Juricka. She goes through the entire class so I ask,"aren't I going to sing Mrs. Court?" She nods and motions me to the center of the classroom. "I am going to sing style. Cue music!" I say. I'm so nervous.
"Cuz you got that James Dean daydream look in your eyes,
And I got that red lip classic thing that you like,
And when we come crashing down we come back every time,
Cuz we never go out of style.
We never go out of style!

Cuz you got that long hair slicked back white t-shirt,
And I got that good girl thing and a tight little skirt,
And when we come crashing down we come back every time,
Cuz we never go out of style,
We never go out of style!

I was so nervous but I think I did alright based on the jaw-dropping looks on everyone's faces and that standing ovations. "M I must have you in my chorus class!" Mrs. Cone says. "Mrs. Cone I'm in your 4th period." I say. "I know it was a joke. Hahaha!" Mrs. Cone states. Not a very good one. I thought. The bell rings and Natalie storms over to me with an angry look on her face. "M! In the beginning of class I sang style and apparently everyone hated it for some reason but when you sang Style you sounded like an angel from the heavens!" Natalie shouts. "Thank you?" I say with a confused tone. She walks away to her 3rd period and I go to mine. I think I may have just lost my only friend. Science is always fun. Don't let me down today.

Authors Note: Hey guys sorry it took forever for me to update this chapter and sorry this chapter is so long! I just had a lot of things to say. Please like and comment, I want to know your thoughts. I promise my next update will be soon! Have an awesome day!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

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