Ch. 9

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As I walk in, the entire class is grinding and holding back their laughter. "What's going on guys?" I ask puzzled. "Shh!", Emma whispers pulling me over to my seat. "Brian pulled a prank on Mr. Foo." Emma says. "He taped a huge target on the back of his lab coat." Penny says. "Shh!!! Here he comes now!" Rebecca whisper. "Good mid-morning class!" Mr. Foo says. As he turns around to grab a beaker, I see the target and place my hand over my mouth. I notice Kaitlin is about to crack. When he turns around she laughs, hard. "What's so funny?" Mr. Foo asks. "Um nothing sir." I say my voice shaky. "Today we will be mixing chemicals. Yay." Mr. Foo says. Bree and Taylor pass out goggles and lab coats. Partner up. The pairs are me & Emma, Penny & Rebecca, Bree & Taylor, Ted & John, Chris & Walker, Gabby & April, Harper & Kansas and Joshua & Brian. Mr. Foo turns around again to fetch a hand lens and the entire class erupts into laughter. "It must be this lab coat. I told the cleaners to remove the stain but..." Mr. Foo starts while noticing the target. "Mr. Morgan. Why don't you come be my helper for today's experiment?" Brian groans and Joshua is practically dying of laughter at Brian's misery. "Brian I need you to clean up those used test tubes over there." Mr. Foo instructs. Brian goes over to the sink and washed them. "Brian put on the special helper lab coat." Mr. Foo demands. I'm biting my lip so hard to hold back an enormous amount of laughter that I might just bite it off. The helper lab coat was one of Brian's earlier pranks. He painted it pink and put bedazzled letters saying HELPER on the back and an image of a unicorn. Whoever the helper was would be humiliated to the extreme because Brian would make fun of them. Now Brian will be humiliated worse out of all of us because he's gonna experience what he did to us. Joshua throws his banana peel into the trash can but misses. Joshua never misses a shot. He's the star player in the schools basketball team. "Josh you must be off your game today..." I start to say before realizing he missed on purpose. He missed so Brian could slip on the peel. And sure enough he did. The tray with orange and purple chemicals mixed and formed a green explosion of hilariousness on Brian's face. "I hate the color green." Brian says. Chris sprinkles sparkles from Bree's emergency bedazzle kit onto the unicorn. Gabby gets out her camera and takes a picture. "I'm sending that to Mrs. Brown. This is going in the yearbook." Gabby says. "Two words," Ted says,"kar-ma." "Class! There is a time for pranks and a time for learning and I think you know which time it is!" Mr. Foo shouts. Brian accidentally mixes two chemicals and everyone starts collapsing to the floor. I don't know what to do so I try running out to get help but then I fall to the floor.

Authors Note: Hey guys I'm soooooooo sorry that this update took forever, Wattpad wasn't loading. I know this chapter is super short but I didn't want to keep you waiting after Wattpad stopped working a few days ago. Please like and comment! Have an awesome day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

CluelessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora