Ch. 4

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Ms. Ruth comes by my room and sees me reading. "Little Women. Ah, a classic. Are you enjoying it?" Ms. Ruth asks. "It uses very old language." I say. "What do you mean?" Ms. Ruth asks. "Hither hither from thy home." I quote. "I see your point. Where did you find that?" Ms. Ruth interrogates. "My closet." I respond. She leaves with a suspicious look on her face. I was hoping to find something else like the Selection or at least something from this century. I sigh and search for another book. No luck. I look at my watch, 1:56. Why not take a nap? I lay my head down and fall instantly asleep.
I wipe sweat from my forehead. I check my watch again. 3:45 am. I get up and see my dinner on a plate near the door. I take the fork and take a bite of the steak. Cold. Nonetheless, I eat the rest of my...breakfast and then change into a T-Shirt and sweatpants. I put on a hoodie and my converse. I unbraiding my hair and quietly tiptoe down the hall. I run out of the building to the school. Whew. I walk to the courthouse and read the sign on the door.

Operating Hours:
Mon-Fri: 1am-10pm
Saturday: 1am-11pm
Sunday: 1am-8pm

Thank goodness. I walk in and see workers at little desks typing papers on typewriters. I walk up to the main desk and clear my throat. "Any information of M Jule?" I ask. We wait in silence for a few minutes. "There is something." The worker says. I follow him back to a small room then he goes back to his desk. I see a file that says M Jule. I pick it up and open the file. There is only 1 page. I can't make it out. It says M something Jule. Then it says...parents...didn't crash! My parents didn't die in a car crash! Then it's says..."Times up! Go back to your house." The worker said. Aw man. I guess I can come back tomorrow. My watch says 4:00. I only had 10 minutes! If only I had a phone then I could take a picture of the file. I walk back to the orphanage, quietly. I sneak into my room. 4:05. I really should get some sleep.
"M JULE!" Ms. Ruth yelled. "Yes?" I asked. "Where were you at 4:00am?" She asked. "Right here." I say. "Don't lie to me!" Ms. Ruth demands and stomps her foot. "No really I was here sleeping!" I say. "Then how come your tracker said you were at the courthouse?!" Ms. Ruth shouts. She's been tracking me? Come on M think. "That wasn't me." I say. "Then who was it?" Ms. Ruth questions. Just say it, just say it. "It was Ha..."I stutter. "What was that?" Ms. Ruth asks. "It was McKenzie. She stole my tracking device and went to the courthouse to get me back." I explain. "How did she figure out the tracking chips are on the neck?" Ms. Ruth whispers too loudly. They're on my neck? Ms. Ruth you're giving too much away too easily. This whole time I thought it was a wart. "Nope wasn't me bye!" I say slamming the door. I pull out the tracking chip and step on it. No more limits for me. I'm free...almost. Ms. Ruth comes back. "Today is Sunday. Today everyone is allowed to take a shower." She says. I roll my eyes. I've been smelling for a week. I wish I could take a shower every day but this stupid place has stupid rules. I walk to the bathroom and take my shower.
I feel so refreshing. Eh it only lasts a few hours. I put on a lilac sundress and lilac flats. I braid my hair into a ditch flower braid. "Wow M you look great!" Harper says. "Thanks!" I say. I go to the courtyard to see it empty. I run back inside and see everyone in their rooms. Fern is lying on the floor sweeping the dirt. She's covered in dirt and dust. "Fern! You don't want to get in trouble! Go clean up!" Amy says. I run past her. I go inside McKenzie's room. No McKenzie. Yes no McKenzie!!!! I do a little dance then go back into my room trying to hide my laughter.

Author's note: M is going to develop a plan in the future chapters and she will find out more about her history! Like and comment! Please follow and like shelroc2 and allyok2272! They have been the best friends to me this whole time. Have an awesome spring break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

CluelessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora