Ch. 10

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I wake up but I can't open my eyes. I can barely move. But I can listen. I hear two voices, one male and a female. "I am so sorry Mrs. Ratzik but we have to press these..." the male voice says. "No sir you cannot! My son made an honest mistake..." the female says angrily.
"Yes well that mistake violated the health protocol of our students!"
"But it was an accident sir you can't be blaming this on a 16 year old!"
"Actually I can and I just did!"
"But sir can you please help me out? Is there anyway you can lower the cost?"
"There is one way..."
"He will have to come an hour before school and stay an hour after school for a month to assist me with my errands."
"Don't you think that's a bit extreme sir?"
"If Brian does this, there will be no charge."
"Ok sir thank you."
When my arms don't feel numb anymore, I get up. I open up my eyes and see the only people in the classroom are me, Mr. Foo and Mrs. Ratzik who is scurrying out the door. "Mr. Foo what happened?" I ask scratching my head. "Brian mixed two chemicals together and when the class smelled them, they all passed out including you. I didn't because I was wearing a safety mask. I saw you run for the door but then you collapsed on your face and your right knee." Mr. Foo explains. "Yeah it really hurts." I say. He starts to pack up his things but then I ask,"Mr. Foo shouldn't we be heading to 4th period?" "You were all out for so long that school ended." I glance at his clock. It's 1:57. I grab my backpack and wave him goodbye. I stop by my locker and get the rest of my books. 24,29,11 I hum. I walk back to the orphanage...actually I think I'll stop by the courthouse. I sneak past the check in desk and go straight to the back room and carefully take out my file folder. ...Her parents didn't die in a car crash in fact they didn't die at all they are..."Hey what are you doing here?" A man says before throwing me out. My parents aren't dead? I'm not an orphan? What?! As I reach the orphanage I realize I don't belong there. And I realize that tonight I don't need to operate phase 1. I go into my room and hide my excitement with a poker face. Then I feel bad for Harper. Her dad is coming soon to get her but clearly not soon enough. I gather up all my belongs into a small bag; a really small bag. I didn't have much stuff as an orphan. I swing my backpack over my shoulder and carry my bag. As I walk past Harper's room she asks,"Where are you going M?" I pause for a moment. "I'll be back." I say with a small smile. I'm gonna miss her. I walk over to the public library. I smile at the librarian then walk over to a computer. I know I'm still kind-of clueless but I'm not staying at the orphanage. I'm not an orphan so I don't belong there. And neither does Harper. Just relax M, get back to what you were doing. I click on the google chrome browser and search up the Jule family in Atlanta. When I click search, it's says sorry nothing matches your search. I let out a sigh of disappointment and frustration but I keep trying. Instead I type up The Jule family in Georgia. When I click the search button again I smile that stretches ear to ear. Katherine Jule and Michael Jule. Ages are 44 and 47. Currently live in Helen, Georgia. It's gonna be a few days journey riding a bus and walking but I'll get there eventually.

Authors note: Hey guys plot-twist! M is no longer an orphan and she left the orphanage! Tons of more interesting stuff to come, promise. I'm sorry if I haven't been updating lately. I've been studying for algebra tests. Please like and comment! Have an awesome day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

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