Ch. 16

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Dad demanded at once to host a ball to celebrate my return. It will be tonight, beginning at 8pm and ending at 11pm. I couldn't be more thrilled. I had only been here for a few hours but I've already felt enough love to make up for 15 years alone, in an orphanage. Mom had the maids make me a fancy gown for the ball tonight. I had already freshened up and was sitting in the huge bedroom Mom said was mine. I still think this is all a dream. A week ago I was an orphan and now I'm the president's daughter? It seems so unreal. One of the maids brought in my dress. It was Aqua with a sparkly silver belt and neckline. "It's beautiful." I say in awe. She simply smiles and walks away. Mom comes in right after her with shoes and some accessories for my dress; she has a look of shock on her face. "May. That dress is simply gorgeous you must try it on!" She pushes me into the small changing room inside my huge master bedroom. It fits perfectly. "Well let's see it then." Mom says. I twirl around in the empty space. Mom looks at me with tears in her eyes. "You look like a beautiful young women. Don't grow up to fast." "Aw Mom! I'm fine! I'm not leaving you for a while. There's no need to worry." I say. I go over and give her a hug. "I brought you some matching shoes, earrings and a necklace!" Mom says excitedly. She hands me the shoes and the earrings but keeps the necklace. "This necklace was given to me by my mother and now I'm giving it to you." She says putting it around my neck. Dad walks in for a moment and says,"you look just like your mother, May." I smile as he walks out quickly. The president doesn't have any time to waste. Mom leaves me alone for a little bit. Dinner will be in 30 minutes at 7:00 sharp. Everyone is still getting the ballroom ready for tonight. I see a book on the nightstand,The Lost Princess. I pick it up and decide to read it. It's about a princess who is separated from the royal family and instead lives like a normal girl in a nearby town. When she finally returns a huge party is thrown in her honor. They all lived happily ever after. That sounds just like me, I thought. I was separated from my family and when I returned, they promised to throw a ball. I feel like a princess in these fancy clothes living in this fancy house. I'm so immersed in the story that I don't even hear the butler come in. "It is dinner time, madam." "Thank you..."I say looking for his name tag,"Fredrick, thank you Fredrick." I say with a smile. "Beautiful smile, madam." I giggle and walk out my room to the great hall where we will eat. Mom and Dad are already there and they are both dressed fancy. "What's for dinner?" I say hungrily. "Roasted turkey with mashed potatoes, corn, and cranberries." Dad says. There is already food on my plate and I can't help but dig in. I devour it all politely. "Seconds madam?" Fredrick asks. "Yes and call me May." I say. He walks away to get me more food. "You ate that quickly, dear," Mom says surprised. I laugh and say,"I was hungry." I finish my seconds just as Mom and Dad finish their first plate of food. I help finish setting up the decorations in the ballroom before 8:00. "Thanks for all your help dear." Lucy, a maid, says to me. "Your welcome, Lucy." I hear the clock strike 8. My mother runs in and shouts,"It's time everyone! Get ready!" Mom runs and opens the door, letting the guests in. They all want to shake my hand and greet me. Some compliment my dress and some say how nice it is to finally meet me. Dad and Mom greet all the guests with me. I see some guys my age, anxious to dance with me. All of them shake my hand, some even kiss it. After all the guests have been properly greeted, everyone starts to dance to the music. It's music perfect for dancing. A familiar face comes by me. "Would you care to dance?" I nod and say,"Of course!" Dad doesn't approve but Mom convinces him everything will be alright. "He seems like a nice guy, Patrick." Mom says. "I don't know." Dad says. "Just relax sweetheart." Mom says soothingly. "Oh alright." Dad says like a little kid. He grabs my waist and hand and I grab his hand and shoulder. "You're a great dancer." I say. "You're not so bad yourself." He says with a little smile."I'm James Horton." James Horton? As in Randy Horton, the man who separated me from my family all those years ago? He had a son and I'm dancing with him? It confuses me and scares me but I try not to worry about it to much. "May." I say. It feels weird to introduce myself like that, but it's who I am. I am May, son of the President of the United States and I am happy. It is pure luck that I got to be where I am today. I am very lucky and I am happy. All is well.

Author's note: That was basically the epilogue! I hope you liked Clueless! I don't know if I should do a sequel or not so let me know! Please like and comment! Have an awesome day!

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