Ch. 11

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I grab my stuff and walk out of the library. I just realized I have no where to sleep. I'm gonna have to pull an all nighter. I was over to the nearest bus stops. This bus stop just happens to be the long distance bus. It travels for hours at a time. This bus is going to Smyrna. It's 2:30. I'll be on this bus until 6:00. Oh well. At least I'm going to meet my aunt and uncle in a few days. I sit at the bus bench for a few minutes waiting for the bus. I drop my backpack and when I go to pick it up, I see something hanging out of the edge. I grab it and it turns out to be $1200 dollars. My eyes widen and I walk into the 7-11 next to the bus stop. I buy some gum and chocolate. I see a note in the middle of the roll of cash. For emergencies only-Dad. I smile as I eat my chocolate. This is the 2nd time I ever had chocolate. The 1st was in 4th grade when Natalie had 2 chocolate bars and gave me one. It so rich and creamy. I love chocolate. Beep beep! The bus pulls up and I sit in the front. This bus has a bathroom and lots of mini movie screens. They're playing Divergent, I remember reading he first one for a book project. After about 30 minutes of the movie, I doze off.
When I wake up, the bus stops and people start getting off. I officially escaped Ms. Ruth and Ms. Julia. They're going to find out I escaped but they can't catch me. I hop of the bus and look for a map of the city. The nearest hotel is...4 miles away. Ok um I better start walking. It's 6:02. I'd better hurry; I want to reach the hotel before sunset. I have to walk and ride buses most of the time; this is emergency cash will only buy me 3 nights in a hotel with all the food and other stuff. I start to run after a while but then I get out of breath so I go back to walking. I look around the town. There's lots of hotels and shops near the street. Its getting chilly so I walk into a store and buy a jacket. Then I keep walking. I see the hotel just across the street. I wait for the street to be clear before I cross. Then I walk into the hotel and check in for the night. I eat some room service food and burry under the covers. I know it's only 7:15 but I want to get a good nights sleep so I have enough energy for tomorrow. I get comfy in the covers and fall right asleep.
I am awakened by Taylor Swift singing Style(a recording of course) at 3:00. I completely forgot I set an alarm. I wanted to make sure I woke up early so I could travel far today. I yawn and get up to go take a shower and freshen up. Afterwards, I put on my same clothes and grab my bag and head out of here. 3:20. Thank goodness the breakfast buffet opens at 3:00. I grab a banana and apple for the road and walk out to explore the streets of Smyrna. The bus won't be here until 3:30 to take me to Roswell. I have 6 minutes to kill. I sit on the bench by the bus stop and look around. The black night sky has a few stars but the moon still shines bright, giving off a white glow. I start to doze off since its 3 am and I'm not used to staying up this late but before I can the honk the bus driver makes is loud enough to wake up the whole town. I hop on the bus trying to get a front seat. Roswell is farther than Smyrna was from Atlanta so I'll be on this bus until noon. They're probably going to play a couple movies but I won't be watching them. I'll be trying to get some sleep.

Authors note: Hey guys I'm so sorry that it took me forever to update again! I've been so busy with school but since there's only a few more days left, I'll be updating way more often in the summer. Please like and comment! Have an awesome day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

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