Ch. 14

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The trip to Cleveland was nice. I enjoyed looking at the view as we drove. At 5:00 I fell asleep but I woke up a few minutes before 8:00. This trip was taking a lot longer then expected but, here I am. It's very late and I'm almost out of emergency cash. I have just enough to buy dinner, breakfast, and a hotel room for the night. The sun has set and there's a full moon. I walk down the street of Cleveland. It's a pretty calm town, a few shops. Must be a Cleveland thing. It's very quiet. The only sounds you here are birds chirping and doors opening and closing(and the car engines). I walk for a long time until I finally see a Marriott Hotel. I walk in and give the lady at the desk some of my cash and register for a room. I use the elevator to go to the 3rd floor. I insert the key and open up the room. I set down my bag on the bed and climb in. Tomorrow I turn 17 and I get to meet my aunt and uncle. I'd better get a good nights sleep. After all I do have to wake up at 6:00am to get on the bus to Helen, Georgia. I close my eyes and go to sleep.
I know I fell asleep in my clothes, but I can't waste any time. I brush my hair with my fingers and take a mint from the bowl on the nightstand. Ok, I took 4. I grab my bag and check the clock. 6:30. Dang it. The bus leaves at 6:45. I run down the stairs and check out of the hotel. But I grab a banana from the buffet before I go. I run and run to get to the bus stop. I realize I might not make it in time. I see the bus, but it's about to leave. I scream,"WAIT!" and the bus stops. The doors of the bus burst open and I run inside. The bus driver grunts and says,"try and be here earlier mam." I nod and take a seat. I carefully open my bag. I have $20 left. I want to make sure I save this, in case I need it later. As the sun comes up, I see the beautiful trees and streams. Happy Birthday to me. As we pull near a bus stop, I realize I don't know exactly where my Aunt and Uncle live. I see the person sitting next to me has an iPad. "Excuse me but can I borrow that?" I ask. "Eh. Why not?" She says. I search up: Jule family in Helen, Georgia. It shows Katherine Jule and Michael Jule. Ages 44 & 47. Currently live in cabin #4. Bingo! I thought. I hand the iPad back too the lady, clearing my search. I get off the bus and start looking. Cabin #1,#2,#3, then I see it. Cabin #4. I still can't believe this is really happening. I walk up the stairs made of dirt and stop at the door. I take a breath and knock. I see a women open the door. "Excuse me but is your name Katherine Jule?" I ask hopefully. "Sorry that women lives next door." She says. "Oh." I say quietly. "Ha I'm just kidding! That's me and you can come in!" I walk in and see a man. He must be my Uncle. "Hello I am your niece." I say. There is a long silence. "May? Is that you?" Aunt Katherine asks quietly. "Yes it's me."
"That is impossible. You're supposed to be with your mom and dad." She says. "Well I've been in an orphanage my whole life thinking my parents were dead." I say truthfully. "What?" Uncle Michael says."Where were you?"
"Atlanta." I say. "Oh of course. Randy Horton." Aunt Katherine says. "Who's Randy Horton?" I ask. "Well he went against your father in the election and he lost. He'd probably do anything to get your father booted out of office. He works at the courthouse in Atlanta and when you were 2 they went to Atlanta on a vacation and I guess you wondered off to the Orphanage." Says Aunt Katherine. "Wait. What was my father elected for?" I ask. "You don't know? Your father, Patrick Jule, is the president of the United States." Uncle Michael says. I take a moment to let this sink in. I'm the president's daughter. My whole life I knew nothing. I could've been living in he White House rather then a stupid orphanage thinking I had no family. "But can't you only be president for 8 years total? I'm 17 today. He should've been out of office a while ago." I ask. "They added a new law special for your father. He was the best president we've had ever. No one ever wanted him out of office. Now presidents can be reelected for infinity. You dad will probably be the president forever. Well, until he dies." Aunt Katherine says. "Wow! I should be in DC! Can you guys take me there?" I ask excitedly. "Of course kid!" Uncle Michael says,"let's get in the car! We're going to DC!" I smile and walk out the door and down to the car. I have a family. My dad is the president. This is all so overwhelming but I think things will turn out okay.

Authors note: Hello everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't been updating recently so I wanted to give you this long chapter. Can you believe it? May is the presidents daughter! Please like and comment and I will keep updating and finish the book!

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