Ch. 6

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By the time I finish the book, it's 9:00. "Yay! Maxon chose America!" I whisper. I go to sleep but set an alarm for 12:00 am.
I hear an alarm. I get ready to explore the orphanage. First stop: Ms. Ruth's room. I walk down the hallway past Jessica's room and up the stairs to the 2nd floor. I know Ms. Ruth & Ms. Julia are on the 3rd floor but I want to see McKenzie full of anger and vengeance. I've never been to the 2nd floor before. Each room has 12 locks on the door and on the wall is chains on McKenzie's arms and legs, but she's still awake and when she sees me she struggles and screams. I hear rattling on the stairs. Ms. Ruth! I run into a small room on the stairs and wait. After the coast is clear, I walk back to McKenzie's room and see 20 layers of duck tape over her mouth. I still hear muffled screams but it's the fire in her eyes that scares me. I creep up the last set of stairs and see 2 elegant master bedrooms. I walk into Ms. Ruth's room and see her peacefully sleeping on a king-sized bed with a pink mask over her eyes. I sneak around her room looking for something interesting, juicy, or jaw-dropping. I see a painting of Ms. Ruth as the Mona Lisa. I go to feel it but my hand falls through. I remove the painting to find...a secret door? I walk down what seems like an impossibly long hallway when I finally see light. It's a huge room about 3 stories tall. It's very well decorated but messy. Brochures lye all over the floor along with torn and crumbled up pieces of paper. I pick up the brochures to try and neaten up the place but my curiosity gets the best of me and I read them. 'Gaylord School for bad children', 'Aires Private school for disturbed children', 'Victor's Academy of troublemakers'. She's thinking about sending us away? I see a letter and its saying that Ms. Ruth is planning on destroying the orphanage and building a mansion, her mansion? I look back at the brochures. These places are all in Montana. Poor Harper she'll never meet her dad. I also see a letter from the chefs at the orphanage. It looks like Ms. Ruth has been putting a sweet flavored chemical in all of our food so when this places is destroyed well think the best of her. Boy is she wrong. But what about Ms. Julia? I immediately get my answer in another piece of paper. Turns out Ms. Julia will be Ms. Ruth's maid. Wait a second. If we're going to Montana, I won't be able to visit the courthouse. No! This can't happen, I won't let you win Ms. Ruth. I look at the time. 4:12. Better get out of here. I rearrange everything so it looks just like it did before I came up here and I leave the room. I jog, quietly, down the hallway and I tiptoe out of her room. I jump when I hear Ms. Ruth snort. I go down the stairs and back into my bedroom. 4:17. I could go to the courthouse. Nah I'd have to be back by 5:00. But the guy would kick me out again after 10 minutes...why not? I put on my hoodie and walk out of my room almost immediately after I entered. I walk around the corner and out of the double doors. I walk down the sidewalk past the school. School. Oh I almost forgot! It's Monday! Half the world hates Monday's but I love them because I love school and hate the weekends. It's opposite for me. I see the courthouse and read the sign.

Courthouse closed until 3:00 pm today.

Aw man. That stinks. I was really hoping to get some more information. Well I better head back to Eastwood before sunrise which should be in 29 minutes. Yeah the sun rises early today and even earlier tomorrow: 4:04. I run back to the orphanage and get cozy in my cot. I drift off to sleep...eventually.

Authors Note: Hey guys I'm sorry that I haven't been updating in a while I was on vacation. Sorry about that! I know this chapter is boring but more interesting stuff is coming! Please like and comment! Have an awesome day!!!!!!!!!

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