Part 3

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I don't know what I think about having Kate part of the group I know i'm not technically but I still go with them and everyone knows me. It's kinda going to be wired having a girl magcon boy,Mahogany's is just the DJ so that's different.

It's about 8:30 and everyone's starting to get ready, I went over to the girl's room to make shure they were up. I knock on the door and to my surrprise Kate answer's, She is already dressed in cut of jeans with a diffrent magcon shirt. her hait isn't curled its strait and has a small braid on the side.

"Hey" She say's leaning on the door frame

"Hi..."I start"Oh!umm, I just came ove to make shur you guy's were up."

"I'v been up since like 7, Yeah I wake up early"Kate say's looking at the clock behind her

I tell her to be in our room in about 30 minutes,Then ngo back to my room.


"You need a nick name" I say to mahogany 

"Like what" She says going to the door

"Umm....Maggie, It's cute and still goes along the line's of mahogany 

She nods and I follow her to the boy's room. After she knocks Cameron answer's opening the door wider so we can walk in.

"umm.... guy's"Nash say's Looking up from his phone "the shows not till 3:30" 

"No on the calender it say's....We were looking at tomorrow's time...." Shawn say's Looking at the calender on the side table.

"so what are we going to do for the next 6 hours?" I ask sitting on the bed closest to the door

"I don't know but it has to be fun" Jack j said

"We could play truth or dare...With out the truth part" I say looking around the room at the boy's 

"ok, sound good to me" Cam say's looking around at the other's the nod

"But" I say "There are rules about the game.

"Like what" Taylor asked

"Well let's just play triple dog I seen this in a movie once it the same thing but diffident rules"I say 

"like?'' Taylor say's again

"For starters...Who has clippers the electric kind" All the gu's said they had there's but we used Jack G's

"Everyone put in all....Well just put in 50 dollars" I say 

"What?!" Matt says looking around 

"It's the game!" I say he put's in his along with everyone else "ok here's how it woks. Everyone get's a dare and gives a dare"

"What kind of dare's?" Maggie ask's

"Well...In the movie it was anything but we have reutaion's so nothing that can kills us socially" I say "anyways you get to pick dares you and after everyone has done there dare we vote to see who did there dare the best and they get the money"

"What about the raiser?" Nash ask's 

"Oh yeah if you want to back out of there dare you can challenge the person who dared you and if they do it you have to get you head shaved and if they don't they have to get there's shaved."

"Oh my god"Hayes say's putting his hand on his hair 



every one did there dare and it was so cool these are the dare's

KATE: Go to the lobby and whisper in the first boy i see's ear 'Grind on me'

MAGGIE: Jump into one of the ball holder's at Walmart

NASH: Go to the manger and yell at him for not having crescents 

CAMERON: jump in the pool wearing a bikini

CARTER: eat a piece of gum from under the table at cafeteria

MATT: Go to the dollar store and buy 10 boxes of tampon's

HAYES: pee on the floor in the lobby bathroom

TAYLOR: Buy a milk shake at McDonald's then when they give it to you play 'my milkshake' and pour in on your head

AARON: walk out in front of someone and just fall

JACK J: buy a huge bag of skittles and pour them on the side walk and act like your swimming

SHAWN: go to the pet store and look in to the clown fish tank ant scream NEMO

JACK G: go u pto ten girls and say 'can i be your puppy?'

We went back to the hotel and were talking then out of no my phone went off, I told Shawn to hand me my phone it was a text from my ex-best friend Maddie.

"What does it say?" Aaron asked

"It say's 'Hey Kate Izzy what's up?' " I said

"Wait...Kate Izzy?" Taylor asked 

"Yeah Izzy is one of my middle names, so?" I said confused 

"Does you other middle name start with a 'S'?"

"Yeah my full name is Kate Izzy Sue Smith, Why" I ask

"Oh my god! little Kiss!" Taylor yelled 


"Your initials spell kiss, You remember me right?"

"I don't think so" I say 

"It's me Jumpy" Taylor say's sanding up

"Oh my god! That didn't even pass thew my mind!" I say giving Taylor a hug 

"What's going on?" Nash Ask's 

"Oh you know how Kate live's in Indiana, Yeah i use to babysit her. And can I say she's done  a lot in the past 6 year's"Taylor said looking at me 

"Yeah He called me Kiss and I called him Jumpy" I chime in

"Why Jumpy?"Aaron ask's 

"because I wasn't aloud to jump on the couch, and when he would babysit as soon as my mom would leave we would jump on the couch together." I'm glad I kinda know some one well even though that was like 6 year's ago.

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