Part 5

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I don't know why I'm so mad, It was all for fun. now I can add 11 more people to my long list of people that hate me. I want to stay but I don't at the same time, i think ill will just for this one tour and if I like it I will stay.


"what was all that about?" Nash asked

"I don't know, why would she act like she was going to post that crap." I said looking at all the guys

"Yeah..." Maggie added (everyone calls her Maggie) 

"Maggie?"I ask, I know she's hiding something

"I might of told her to..." 

"What?! Why?!" I asked going to the door 

"were are you going" Nash ask's annoyed

I just walked out without saying anything else.I go across the hall to Kate's room and knock

"Go away!" She yells

"I don't want to" 

"I said go away"

"No I don't have to. I just want to talk about-"I was cut off by Nash walking out of our room 

"Cam...come here" He say's. I go back to the room to see what he wants, when I walk in everyone's on there phone

"What?" I ask

"Umm...Kate just posted on twitter" Maggie say's looking up at me

I look around for my phone, I couldn't fine it anywhere. Finley I ask Nash if I can use his. I take his phone and go to her page

"There's nothing on here bad, It just says 'whatever' " I say confused 

"Look at your page" Jack.J say's I looked on my page and almost dropped the phone, she had my phone and posted this on my twitter-

I wish I could learn to take a joke...I'm going to get myself in trouble some day.

I made Maggie give my her key cared and then I walked over to Kate's room I didn't even knock I just walked in, she was in the bathroom so I knocked on the door.

"Hurry up!" I say. I went and sat on the end of the bed and waited. A few minutes later she walked out with a jacket and shoes on. "Were are you going?" I ask. She looked at me her mascara was running.

"Does it matter?" She ask's 

"Umm, kinda. Your 13 you can't go out on your own." Why am I doing this to myself. I wasn't looking at her so she desisted to give me my phone back, by throwing it to hit me in the face not hared but to get my attention. I looked at her and she had a wipe to get her mascara off her face acting like she din't throw it.

"I'm done" She said "I can't do this anymore, ill be back later." 

"well someone has to go with you" am i trying to kill my self?

"go get Hayes."


"Fine i'm going by myself" she said putting her phone in her back pocket

She walked out and I sat there for a minute thinking. after I sat there for about a minuet I went back to the room and told Hayes to go get her.


I didn't ask Cameron why he wanted me to talk to Kate because I knew it would be to hard to explain. I got out of the elevator and walked out of the hotel door's, Kate was leaning agenst the wall.

"I knew her would make you come get me" Kate said "Come on"

I walked with her for about 2 blocks until she broke the silence 

"stop" She whispered ...Ok come on"

"Why?" I asked, but she didn't answer. We walked up the stairs of a fire exist then got on a roof top of the building next to the one with the fire exist. We walked to the back of the roof until there was a gap about 2 feet away from the one we were on.

"Want me to go first?" Kate asked

"wait what?!" I asked surprised that she was going to jump. But with out an answer she jumped and made it landing about a foot on to the next roof. I hesitated but then jumped, It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be then we crossed a bunch more roofs and then she stopped and sat down.

"come sit." She said, I sat next to her

"do you know how to get back to the hotel?" I asked

"We're on the hotel" Se said, then I looked out and realized that she wasn't kidding we were on our hotel.

"Have you been here before"I asked

"No why?"

"Well how did you know how to get here?" 

"I don't know I allway's do this kind of thing" She said inching closer

We talked for a long time, but I din't care we both learned a Lot about each other like how she has 2 older brother's at home, and live's with her step-dad. I kinda felt bad for her when she said that she could make Friends easy only because she was 'Kate Smith' I know how she feel's though but I have a group of frined's that I know I can trust, She said she dosn't have any friend's at her school. I tried to change the subject

"Do you ever see you'r mom?" I asked

"It would be alot essayer that way But I'm not giving up...She died 3 months ago"She said looking out at traffic.

" sorry" 

"It's ok, It's just been hared on me she was my best friend in the world. And Kevin in my step dad and all he care's about is my vine stuff." she said, I couldn't believe she said all of this to me

"Well why not move in with your real dad" I asked

"That would work...If I knew were he was, I was 10 when he left for some 20 year old"

Oh my god.Her mom died.Her dad left her.Her step-dad doesn't care about her.She has no Friends at school. and I thought I had it hared.

"Your really strong" I said looking her in the eye. she didn't say anything she just hugged me and I hugged her back. we hugged for awhile until my phone rung, It was Nash. Kate looked at the time and showed me 


I was about to answer it when she said

"don't! Let's scare them" I ignored the call and followed her

We went to the right side were my room was and she climbed down the side of a pipe that was there, them stepped on the tarries I followed We looked in the window and saw all of them talking.she went to one side of the door and I stayed on the side we got there from.Kate knocked on the door and stepped back they all stopped talking and came to the door. when they were all on the patio my and Kate ran in and locked the door.

"HEY!!!" Taylor yelled Me and Kate laughed for a long time and then let them in

Maggie got in Kate's face and pushed her against the wall as soon as she walked in.We all just watched in shock.

"Oh you think you can just be a total jerk to my best friend!" Maggie yelled at Kate

"What?" Kate asked. Maggie pulled out her phone and put it in Kate's face 

"Wait....MADDIES YOUR BEST FRIEND?!?!" Kate asked then pushed Maggie off of her

"Yeah you should know that she goes to YOUR school!"

"She's a senior!" Kate said I could tell she was trying not to cry "and my ex-best friend"

Maggie punched Kate strait in the face out of no were, Kate fell to the ground and Maggie got on top of her and started beating the crap out of her. Nash pulled Maggie off of of Kate and I went to see if Kate was ok she just ran out to her room

"What the hell?" Nash asked. 

"Yeah?"I asked 

"Hayes you go talk to Kate" Jack.G told me

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