Part 28

544 17 3

Ok I'm doing a huge time jump :) (Pic of Kate at top)



4 Years later


Ok today's the day. I'm finally moving out of Kevins house, Brandon moved out 2 years ago and I don't like sitting in Kevin's house by myself 5 days a week. I know great logic. I don't like sitting alone in his house, but I want to move out and sit alone at my house. Me and Brandon got really close and we talk a lot, but it's not the same as when he lived here. As for Cameron, Nash, and all of the other guy's, haven't talked to them since a month after I moved back. It's not that we fought or anything, it's just me had our own lives to handle. I don't know. But Paige and Kenzie are like my best friend's they have came and visited twice but I haven't been back to Cali. I sent all my stuff out there and the girls unpacked for me, I'm on the plane now. Here we go again.

I get off the plane and look around for the girl's, I spot them by the gift shop.

"Kate!" Paige yelled hugging me.

"I have missed you sooo much" Kenzie said as I hugged her.

"You have no idea." I joke. We head back to Kenzie's car and We go to my new house. We head in and I look around. This place is really nice, it has more room then I need so im good. Me and the girls talk and hang out for a couple hour's and they head home (they live together), I take shower and went to bed.

I wake up and check my phone for the time. 9:46. Ugg, I get up and go to the living room to watch some t.v. I have been watching t.v for about an hour so I decide to get up and ready for the day. I change into blue cut off's, a starbucks tank top, and black flip-flops. I put my hair in a high pony that hangs to my lower back, I grab my phone and some cash then head out the door.

I deside to go to starbucks, It's just across the street from my house so why not? I walk over and head in, there's a group of people in one corner of the shop. One catches my eye, Standing there is the one and only Matthew Espinosa.

*Matt's Pov*

I'm talking to my friends and I feel someone wrap their hands around my waist. I turn around to see a girl that's about 5'4 with long brown hair. I have to say the girl is really cute, but she looks kind of familiar.

"Umm, Hi?" i say a she let's me go

"Hey Matt I haven't seen you in for ever." She says smiling


"Well that hurts" she says sarcastically putting her hand on her heart

"Sorry, but I think you have the wrong person"

"Matt. I'm the person that threw a huge fit over no watching a movie at magcon." She says and it all snaps back. Kate. But she didn't seem like Kate. This Kate wasn't acting like a queen, or like she was older than she was. She was acting like a normal person.


Did I just say Kate was cute? She is but, still. It's Kate, the same Kate that was like a sister to me a few years ago.

"Matt?" Kate said waving her hand in front of my face.

"Oh uh sorry, You look really good. Or I Mean, you look different, not like in a bad way but like-" I said but Kate cut me off

"I know I look different. My hair isn't black, I grew, I changed my style, and my hair is really long" She said

"Yeah" I say hugging her "What are you doing, I haven't seen you around in a while?"

"I moved back, This is my first time back in 4 years"

"Cool, and we havent talked in a while either"

"I haven't talked to any of you guy's. We all had our own lives and problems. I'll be right back" She says and walks to the cashier to order. She comes back and we catch up a bit until she gets her order.

"Well, I'll see you later. I'm sorry I just kinda intruded your, guy time." She says and hugs me.

"Ok, Make sure to stay in touch" I say

"I will, Bye"

"Later" I say and turn back to my friend's

"Who was that?" David asked

"Kate, I haven't seen or talked to her in like 4 years" I say sitting down

"Cool, were you 2 a thing or something?" Drake asked

"No! We hung out when I was 18 and she was 14."

"was she a hot then as she is now?" Drake asked smirking

"I don't know....."

"So you do think she hot?"

"She wouldn't go for me, but yeah I guess." I say looking down.

"Wait dude," David said serious "Your 22 and shes like 18"

"So? He could still date her, my mom and dad are like 7 years apart." Drake said.

Well this is going to be interesting.

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