Part 8

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I'm in the car on my way home from the air port, time went by really fast me and Hayes desisted to have a long distance relationship until I move, Cam and Nash haven't desisted if I could move in with them or not and I haven't done any of my home work for the past to week's so I just have tonight Saturday and Sunday to do all the home work and I have final this week. Yay me. Kevin pulled into the drive way and I sat in the car while he took my bag's inside I posted on twitter-home sweet home, then went to the front door, I took a deep breath then walked in.

"Kate! your finally home!" Trey said hugging me Me and Trey were like best Friend even though hes 17 and i'm 13 we just get along, he's the only person I know I can tell anything to. But Brandon (who's 19) on the other hand,He despises me and Trey dosn't like him either.

"Yeah...were's Brandon didn't he know that I was coming home today?" I ask

"Yeah he's here" trey said signaling me to jump on his back, I did and we laughed and went in to the living room. I stopped laughing as soon as we walked in. Brandon was siting on the couch watching a movie with his are around the worst human being on the planet. Madison. I got really mad but couldn't move or say anything.

"Umm, dude your sister is home" Trey said breaking the silence

"Cool" Brandon said not looking away from the T.V

"She's been go for 2 week's and all you have to say is 'cool' what ever" I got off Trey's back and stood in front of Brandon.

"Move." Brandon said

"Really, out of every girl in the world you choose Madison" I say with attitude. Madison just gave me a smirk.

"She's cooler than you" Brandon said pushing me out from in front of the T.V causing me to stumble and of course Madison had to top it off by putting her foot out so i'd trip. Trey started to come to make sure I was ok but I put my hand up to show him I was ok. I angrily stood up looked at Brandon and Madison for a minuet and went up to the T.V and pushed the power button. Brandon stood up, as he got closer I put my are up so he couldn't hit me in my face. But he didn't even try to hit me he just stood there looking down at me.

"What's your problem?!" Brandon asked

"NO! What's YOUR problem, you know I hate Madison to death. And my present from you is to be dating her and-" I cut my self off because I knew he would hit me if I did say what I wanted

"What?!" He asked angrily

"it dosn't madder..." I whispered

"Say it I dare you!" what do I got to loose?

"OK. For 1 I am cooler than her! I have done more in my life right now than she ever will, same goes for you!" I yelled...what am I doing?

"you little brat !" Brandon yelled "how bout you and Trey just go up to your room now and complain about me like your going to in 10 minutes" Brandon was kinda right but I don't care

"Wow! You know how to use word's with more than 4 ledder's" That did it. Brandon kicked my feet out from under me and I fell to the floor. Trey pushed Brandon out of the way and helped me up.

"Com'on Trey let's go talk trash about Brandon and his slut." I say just loud enough for Brandon and Madison to hear. With that me and Trey went up to my room, as soon as I shut the door we both started laughing.

"Oh my god! you got so clever while you were gone!!!" trey chocked out

"I was hanging out with like 10 guy's for 2 week's, What do you expect?!" I said trying to breath

"Yeah, how was that?" he asked after we calmed down


"what were the people like?" 

"Well I am the first ever Magcon girl, there is this girl named mahogany but I stared to call her Maggie and we got along good the first 2 day's but then it tuned out that she and the girl Madison that's down stair's are like best friend's,so I go punched in the face like 3 time's by her but nothing to bad then we went to all of the convintion's and it was all just awesome." 

"wow, what were the guy's like?" Man Trey sure had a lot of question's

"Umm, well I knew all of then because I watched there vine's but some how I didn't know what magcon was. But there was Nash, Cameron, Matt, Taylor, Jack.J, Jack.G, Hayes, Aaron, Shawn, and carter...Oh and did Kevin tell you what I might be doing this summer?"

"No,what will you be doing?" Trey asked

"Well I know for a fact that I will be taking a vacation to Cali all Summer but I might be moving there! but only if Nash and Cameron say I can stay with them because he doesn't want to move out there."

"Wait you might be moving? on your own?" Trey asked concerned

"Well yeah but I'll still come back home for the holliday's and stuff. and if you want you can go on vacation with me."

"That would be cool" Trey said getting existed

"Yeah you could meet the guy's and my boyfriend" I don't mined telling Trey about me dating because he's not the over protective type but Brandon on the other hand even though he don't give a crap about me if he has a chance to beat someone up he will

"You have a boyfriend?" Is he part of magcon?" 

"Yeah his name is Haye's, he's the only one near my age the rest of the guy's are like 20."I say "but enough of that, I did zero home work so I need some help"

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