Part 15

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I'm trying to ignore that fact that Cameron caught me at the beach yesterday, I just hope he don't try to bring it up or talk about it. I woke up this morning and went down stair's to see Matt and Nash is the kitchen.

"What's up guy's?" I ask hoping up onto the counter

"Nothing, just waiting for everyone else to wake up" Nash say's jumping up next to me

"OK" I say walking out of the kitchen. I love messing with thee guy's. I go back up to Cameron's room I go back by the wall, then run full force and jump on him.

"hey!" Cam yell's the realizing it's me "You'r gonna pay!" He yell's, I take of running and he chases me. I run down the stair's and jump over the back of the couch and trample over Shawn, then jump on to the arm chair on to Trey they are all chasing me now. I run into the kitchen

"Done." I say to Matt and Nash out of breath, with the guy's running after me.

"Ok..What should we do today?" Matt asked

"Umm....Oh, we could go to shopping around town" I say jumping on Trey's back

"Sound's good to me" Cam say's pulling me off Trey's back 

"Heyyyy! Where are we going?" I ask as he fop's me over his shoulder.

"I am going to turn you into a taco" He say's grabbing the blanket's of the couch. With that I roll over so my back is on his shoulder,grab his sides and kick over so that I'm free.

"how did you do that?" He asked shocked

"I live with Trey, I done it a thousand time's... Make me a taco!" I yell. Cam take's all the blankets off of the couch and chair and wrap them around me.

"I'm HOT!!!" say trying to walk, I didn't get far on my like 9th step I tripped over the chair and fell down." I'M A WORM!!!!"I yelled rolling all over the floor, and the nest thing I know all of the guy's got blanket's around them and were rolling around with me.

We finally got off the floor and went to get ready. I wore a Blue tank-top with black cut off's, Black ear ring's with matching dangle's. I put on my black combat boot's, did my make up and put my hair in a high pony-tail. We went to the mall and shopped around for about an hour until I saw the pet shop

"Com'on, let's go!" I say tuning on Nash's sleeve.

"Ok, OK I'm coming" He laughs. We went in and I went strait to the puppy's, I saw some cute pug's and begle's, It was just like the one in my town. Then I saw this huge dog in a huge cage, I looked at it for a second then saw Matt walking by

"What's this all about?" I ask him

"I think that's a great Dane" He say's pointing to the tag that said 'Great Dane'

"I want it!!"I wine

"That dog is bigger than you." He said plainly

"That's not a fair fight, I'm only 4'11" I say truthfully 

"Your not even 5 foot?!" Matt said laughing

"Shut up! and I seriously want this dog" I say going back on topic

"You can't just say you want a huge dog like this and get it." 

"Why not?"

"You need stuff for it, like a big yard, food somewhere for it to sleep."

"Well I have a big fenced in yard, and I can buy the rest!" I say looking around at the supplies on the self next to us

"You have to ask." Matt sure like's to think of problems. I see Trey walking by us and I stop.

The MAGcon Girl?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora