Part 6

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"What?!" Kate asked after opening the door to her room, tears streaming down her face.

"I just wanted to see if you were ok"

"I'm fine"

"No your not," I say softly taking her hand to go sit on her bed "Your crying."

she sat down next to me on the bed resting her head on my shoulder still holding my hand.

"you all hate me!"

"I don't hate you"I said trying to calm her down

"Y-you don't? That's a first..."There was a pause "I need to go get cleaned up, I'll be right back" 

I just sat there not saying anything, she went in the bathroom and came out ten minutes later in the same magcon tee-shirt and jean's. I think she just put makeup on or something.

"Hey will you sit by me at the meet and greet?"Kate asked popping a piece of gum in her mouth "Want one?"


"To what? the gum or the meet and greet?" 

"Both" I say taking a piece of gum.

I checked my phone 3:24

"We need to go,like now." I say getting up.


"We need to go, like now." Hayes say's

I nodded and he stood up. we were almost at the door when I felt like I was going to be sick. I grabbed Hayes hand, he looked at me but didn't let go. We walked across the hall and went in to the guy's room Maggie wasn't there but everyone else was. The were just staring at me Hayes with wide eye's, then I realized that we were still holding hand's. I looked at Hayes and he looked at me and we both blushed, We sat like that for a few second's.

"Umm...Let's go"Aaron said breaking the silence. I let go of Hayes's hand.

"Yeah let's go" I said going to the door

We went downstairs to where the meet and greet was I started getting nervous again, I found a couple chair's in the back. I sat there for a few minutes with my hand's on my knees and my head in my hand's.

"Are you ok?" I looked up to Haye's standing in front of me.

"yeah just nerves....and i'm sorry about earlier"I said 

"what about?" Hayes asked

"Holding you hand and embarrassing you in front of all the guy's" I said looking up at him

"Oh...I didn't care, com'on" Hayes said holding his hand out, I took it and walked with too were the other guy's were. They again looked at up like we were crazy.

"Are you like dating?" Jack.J asked

"no.."I said looking at the ground. do I like him?

"Then why are you hol-" Nash started 

"Because she's nerves." Hayes said sternly

Before anyone could say anything else Bart said it was time to go on stage. Oh my god i'm so nerves and the only one that like's me is Hayes, right now he is my closest friend...and my only friend, but that doesn't madder.Before we went on stage I looked at Hayes and dropped his hand, he looked back at me and grabbed it.

"You don't have to" I said

"I want to" He said, then we ran on stage. There was a huge roar from the crowd and then Cam said into the mic.

"ok guy's we have a new magcon member I bet you all know her. KATE SMITH!"As cam said my name Hayes lifted my hand up over my Head and we laughed.It was really fun and cool until someone shouted from the crowed


"In my dream's guy's" Hayes said, what's happening "I wish I could date a girl as funny, loving and beautiful as Kate but she don't like me like that" Did he just say that? Oh my god what's going on, Dose he like me? And who said I don't like him? Before I could say anything the subject quickly changed.


We went back to the room's and I was still trying to keep my cool about what Hayes said.

"I'm going down to the McDonald's st get food, Do you want to come Kate?" Hayes asked walking in

"Umm,yeah" I said 

"text me what you people want" Hayes said 

We walked down to the elevator, to the lobby,and to the front door's in silence until I finally broke it.

"I never said I didn't like you" i said looking at him

"What...But you aren't into guy's like me" 

"I never said that" I joked "I like funny guy's that make me happy, are nice, and don't care that I'm 'Kate Smith' " I said

"Do me?" he asked

"....yeah....but now you're never going to treat me the same because you think I'm some freaky weirdo"I said 

"Why would that be?"

"Because you know I like you, and every time I like someone they find out and then never talk to me again, and if they do they treat me different" We were now walking into McDonald's, and a girl ran up to us

"Well maybe I would date you instead of never talk to you again

"Omg it's Kate Smith and Hayes Grier!" She said

"Yeah,"I said "... Hey do you want to help us with something?" I asked

"anything." the girl said

"Do you think me and Hayes should date?" I said Hayes looked at me wide eyed

"Well," said the girl "I wouldn't like it just because he wouldn't be with me but... You would be a great couple"

"Then you are the first to know that Hayes and I are dating" I said Hayes just smiled "But don't tell the Media yet K?"

"OMG yes ok"

After we followed her on Twitter and Instagram we got the food and headed back to the hotel.

"so when did I say I wanted to date you" Hayes asked, I just gave him a big cheesy smile and kept walking

"NOT IT!" Hayes yelled

"not it for what?" I asked

"For telling the guy's"

"Crap... Wait so I just desisted that we're dating and that's what you say?"I ask laughing

After we got back to the hotel Hayes thought we should take the stairs up to save us some time, He was running up the stairs holding 5 bags of McDonald's in his hands and one in his mouth, he started to laugh and the bag in his mouth dropped fell down the stairs and got everywhere.

"Run"He whispered, so we did

As soon as we walked into the room I just did what I had to do


"Cool" Nash said on his phone, a few seconds later he said "Wait what? Aww my baby brother got himself a girl!" 

"Shut up me and Hayes said at the same time, everyone burst out laughing.

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