Part 27

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"I'm gonna miss you, Kate" Cameron said hugging me

"I'm gonna miss you more" I say trying not to cry

"Bye Kate. It's gonna be weird without you here." Nash said pulling me into a hug.

"I know, Who's gonna boss you around when I'm gone?" I joke "Bye, Mattisores rex"

"Bye Kate, Make sure to visit"

"I will, Bye guy's. I love you." I say then turn to walk to the plane. Me and Brandon are going back to Indiana today. I don't want to at all, I was only at my other school for half a year and now I have to go back to st. wood.

Me and Brandon take our seat's and I got the one by the window. I pull out my phone and put my headphones on to listen to music. We take off.

*skip plane ride, now in car*

Me and Brandon didn't say one word to each other the entire plane ride, and I want it to stay like that until I get to go back to Cali. We pull up into the driveway, I stand outside and just look up at our house. Man... I thought I would never have to see this place again, I wish Jack was here. Nash and Cam kept him because he would be a lot of work for just me.

"Come on." Brandon says and pushes past me. I take a deep breath before walking in. Nothing has changed, It looks the same way it did before we left. I go upstairs into my room, But it's been painted dark blue and had all of Brandons stiff in it.

"Brandon!" I yell down the stairs so he can hear me.

"What?!" He yells back

"Why is all your crap in my room?" I ask as he walks up the steps

"It's my room now. You left and I wanted a bigger room"

"Well were do I go?"

"My room."

"Eww, no you room smells like feet." I say with disgust

"Then stay in Trey's old room." He can not be serious... I have no choice.... I take my bag's to Brandon's old room. Well, it smells the same.

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