Holy @!#*%

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Wow what the fuck I don't even remember the last time I updated this bitch.
So Dirk and I had a sleepover. Sounds a little odd, because were opposite genders, but my parents like him and they trust me. They also know I have a boyfriend so.. Meh.

Sebastian has been making Jew puns...
For example:

What did the train say as it was going to isreal?

Jew Jew!

I slapped him, then I laughed.
All of march break I basically just watched Grease over and over. I hung out with Sebastian. I found a stray cat and named it Lopez. Then we made out for like 10 seconds but I got a phone call so yeah...

I got some of my modelling shots back :D I'm so happy. I love them.
I got my grad photos back, and I got really into Amy Winehouse.

There's a dance tomorrow. From 7:00-10:30 at night. It should be fun. I went last year and danced my fucking brains out. Hero is gonna make a shirt that says [insert action here] like Yvonne dances, because I get very intense with my dance moves. No shame at all.

We started a "girls club" that happens ever Wednesday after school. We voted for names for the club, and mine won. I named the club Da Club, specifically so I can hear an announcement saying "Come on down to Da Club!"

I think I'm gonna join the band. They need a tenor sax. I'm already in a lot of stuff.. Not really. I'm in the choir, Da Club, and now my old sixth grade teacher asked me to help out with a grade 6 drama club because I'm very "dramatic" and I can hold people attention. I think Ruby is jealous >:p
Hell yes. I want her to be jealous.

Ahem.... Excuse me for that.

A few days go, my friend, Chandler Briar, and Sebastian were eating lunch in my class. Chandler eating in my class isn't a big deal, but Sebastian is a Seventh Grader, so he's the bigger problem. The teachers know were dating (but who doesn't) and they don't really care that he sits in sometimes.

Anyway, I was having some left over soup from the night before, and Chandler took it and ran out the door. I chased after him, and ran out the back exit in our class.
When I came back, after getting my soup, Sarah Penny told me that one of Hayden's friends, Martin Birch, said these words: Why can't Yvonne run like that in P.E.?

Martin is kinda cute. A total douche tho. I have no interest in him.

We're watching Super Size Me in English class. If you don't know what Super Size Me is, it's a documentary about a healthy guy who starts to eat McDonalds and McDonalds only for a month to see what it does to his health. So far it's been disgusting, but I'm craving a CBO burger right now. I'd never eat that much McDonalds but it still tastes good.

Earlier in this chapter I mentioned a dance, which I went to, because this is one day later.
It was fun! Maddie Mackenzie was a hit. She's a good friend of mine. Perfect. She's pretty, a good artist, super smart, she's amazing. If I could be anybody else in the eighth grade, it's a tie between Maddie Mackenzie and Hunter Thompson.
The guy who represented the sponsors of the dance, was super gay. It was so hilarious. It's literally 50% of the reason I went. They were putting everybody's selfies up on this big pull out screen in front of the stage in the gym. People looked at the selfies while Sebastian and I made out behind the pull out screen >:P

Get wrecked.

There were lasers and a smoke machine. It was cool. Not a lot of grade eights went because they said that it was gonna be stupid. I spent 10% sleeping on the stage and using my boyfriend as a pillow. I love him. I can't stress that enough. I don't even care. And if you roll your eyes every time you read this:

Fuck you, I don't care. Sure I don't know what love is but just know, I bet somebody said the same thing to you when you had your first Big Mac.

I'm tired. It's probably like 3 am, I don't really know. I'm just guessing.

I need my beauty sleep.

Love always,

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