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Hi there. :)

Remember me? Well you better, I hope you continue to. March 29th was the last time I wrote? I think so. I'm going to tell you everything that has happened before I bid my goodbyes.

Ruby admitted she isn't a lesbian.
An anonymous friend is slowly coming out of the closet :)
I joined the school band.
I saw Rhiannon and watched the new avengers movie.
Stella got a boyfriend, then broke up with him and she feels like she is unstoppable.
Sebastian got addicted to Abba, and now K-pop
I found the meaning of life
I got a concussion
I can see auras because of this concussion
I ate more fancy ramen
My friends revolve around me. They realized this when they did absolutely nothing when I was at home with a concussion
I got into LL Cool J
I got into Queen
Hayden is still hot (sorry dear boyfriend of mine)
Robert Downy Jr. gets better with age
I talked to Jade :)
Dirk and Aaron are getting matching Wario and Waluigi sweaters
I'm becoming a fashion designer
I'm getting a triple forward helix piercing
I'm getting an industrial piercing
I still love me
I can't stop watching the Big Lebowski
I can't stop watching The Departed
Dirk got highlights ^o^
The brain named itself (*explodes*)
I can't stop playing Plague inc
My phone got fucked in the ass and now I have a new one
I have to discontinue this book...

I love writing in here. It's a great thing for me. I like documenting what I do. I like judging. I like people reading it. Why would I write something if I didn't want anybody to read it? I'm going to miss this. Every god damn read that my life has gotten, makes me happier and happier. For my own personal reasons: this is my last entry. And I'm 90% sure that if I continue, bad things will happen. I can't explain.

So to end this book: I'm going to introduce myself again.

Hi there. My name is Yvonne Adler.
I'm 13 years old. Canadian. Jewish. Bisexual. Bitch. Narcissist. Beautiful. Dramatic.
I hate everything mainstream. I will never in my life own Moccasins, Name brand Uggs, or anything with an infinity sign. I will never make my hair ombré and put it in a messy bun directly on the top of my head. I will never wear foundation. I will never succumb to Pop music. I will always be my own person. I'll judge, I'll laugh, I'll hate, I'll love. I'll be cute. I'll be weird. And I'll always be amazing because I am everything at once. I am Yvonne Adler. I am fantastic. If you need to talk, talk to me. If you want a friend, just ask. I will always love Mobster movies. I will always love the movie Almost Famous. Most of all:

I can never, never, never love the world. But I can always love this life.
I will never, never, never stop my dreams. And I can always know it's right.
Everybody can see clearly through the camera. You just haven't taken the lens cap off yet.

I love you all. But don't go yet. Maybe I'll continue... Just think of this as a cliff hanger. You might be hanging off that cliff for a long time, and maybe I'll pull you to safety sooner. There's no telling, but for now, I have to go.

I don't want you guys to think that I've gotten bored of you, or that I'm stopping because I think you all hate me. Because I don't, and if you thought that, it would hurt me. So don't hurt me. I felt bad not being able to write. I really wanted to , and I still want to now, which is why I've made this chapter the closing one. But remember this: there can always be a sequel.

Now excuse me. I need to get going.
Try to remember that I'm not just a character. I'm real. I exist in this planet. And I'm going to miss everything about this alternate universe I've created for myself to think and talk about my day to people who will listen and people who won't judge me, because they don't know me. And the is world where people are nice enough to stop by and listen to the judge opinions of a teenager, is fantastic. You are fantastic. You did just fantastic.

You are a shining star in a dark endless void. Make it brighter. I believe in you.

Forever, and love Always,
Yvonne Adler.

<3 :)

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