I dont know what day it is.

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So I've been hanging out with Rhiannon, Simon, and Stella. We went in the hot tub (which was not hot at all). I need to buy a new bathing suit, because mine is too small and worn out. (Ok I'm just gonna say it now. I am.... Very well endowed. VERY well endowed. Like seriously, I hit puberty when I was 9. I fucking hate gym class. I seriously hate it so much. Every single girl is jealous of me, and every boy is jealous of my exes... Classy, right?)

Were watching Scott Pilgrim now. Another thing I'm gonna tell you to do. If you haven't watched it, watch it now. The first time I saw it was with Rhia. Her dad put it on when I was staying at her place. We were so blown away by how cool it was, when it ended, we didn't even talk, we just got up and rewinded the whole movie.

I don't really have anything else to say. So I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Love always,

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