Am I Interupting

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Author Note:

I'm enjoying writing this. However my sleep schedule has been kicked in the face recently, so updates will be slow as I get my sleep back.


2 Hours Later...

Vox hated these types of meetings.

Lucifer had called all overlords, and royalty of reputable renown, to his mansion in the ring of pride to discuss the recent 'demolition' of Saygor city. While most of the people in that room were berating Lucifer with questions on the whereabouts of this mystery demon, Vox couldn't be more bored. He barely lost anything when Saygor got a sudden remodeling, so he just stared at his phone, occasionally glancing up to see Valentino staring back with the face of 'I want to drop dead right now'.

With a sigh he looked up from his Voxtagram, and glanced about the ornate room they were in. White with red accents dominated the walls, and ornate paintings from different moments in hell's history were present all around him.

However, when looking about he did notice something. . .odd.

One of the corners of the room was exceptionally dark. Noticing this, he looked to see if any of the lights were on the fritz. 'The fuck?' he thought to himself, seeing that all other lights were shining without trouble. That's when he felt a light shove to his right. Looking over he noticed Val staring at him. "What's up? You've been staring about like a baby that's just been born." Val whispered to his tv-headed business partner. "Tell me I'm not insane and you see that as well" Vox whispered back, raising a finger to point at the impossibly dark corner. "Yeah. I see it" Val responded with confusion.

Y/n chuckled to himself. He knew he had been spotted by this tv-headed fellow. Although his eyes weren't currently visible, he could see the two mens confusion from across the meeting hall. He had originally got here by following a group of extravagant vehicles, all heading to the same location, that passed by him when he was resting on the hill. Many different demons populated the room, most shouting random questions at the Apple clad fellow sat at the end of the table. The face of this fellow was oddly familiar.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVEN'T FOUND HIM!" Yelled a female owl demon on the end of the table. "If you would let me finish, Princess Stella, I would have told you that after DESTROYING THE ENTIRE CITY!" Lucifers voice shook the room. "They disappeared without a trace." He responded, glaring daggers at her. This sudden outburst from Lucifer got the entire rooms attention. "So what are we going to do?" Asked Vox, who was now actually paying attention. Sighing, Lucifer looked down at the photo of the demon that had basically declared war on him, and gave them an answer. "We kill them. We make them feel pain that no sinner has ever or will ever experience!" He responded, his voice laced with an anger that even they couldn't comprehend. "Now we just have to find them." He sighed, turning back to the table.

"He's right here" Responded a dark and chilling voice.

Confusion overtook the room as to the source of the voice. Vox, as equally confused as all others in the room, looked over to the corner to see something that made his screen glitch. A pair of glowing red slits were peering back out of the darkness at him. A low chuckle, that sounded as if it was in their heads, echoed through the room.

Everyone looked over to see a dark mist manifest at the opposite end of the table. Y/n stood there, all meeting members staring at him. "Am I interrupting?"

Author Note:

Y/n. The master of dramatic entrances.

Chaos (Hazbin-Hotel and Helluva Boss X Godly Reader)  OLD CANON/DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now