Who are you?

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Author Note:

I have returned from hibernation.

Sorry for the wait. I was going through the process of dropping out of college early to immerse myself in society and get a job, so this wasn't really going through my mind as important. However, that changes today, as I will trying to get more chapters out each week.

Without further ado, let's begin.


That was the only question going through Vox's head at the moment.

Who is this guy?

What does he want?

And why talk to me most importantly?

A quiet whimper broke him from his gaze and his red and blue eyes glanced to a very nervous waiter. He was currently pouring he and his acquaintance glasses of Marques de Murrieta Castillo Ygay Gran Reserva Especial, or as Vox calls it, "The good stuff". The waiters hands shook as he poured the liquid gold into the glasses. He wasn't afraid of spilling the liquid, he was shaking due to the unreadable gaze the black and red figure to his right was burning into him. As quick as the young chap had come over to serve them, he was gone, bottle in hand, probably to drink the rest and thank any god that was listening that he still existed.

This left as still very on edge Vox alone again with one of the, if not THE most powerful beings he has ever witnessed. He couldn't lie and say to you he wasn't shitting bricks right now. Before contemplating whether to run off to the bathroom to escape however, his friend across from him began to speak.

"This might be the best wine I've ever had. And I've had wine made from eternal grapes grown in the Garden of Eden." His voice was powerful, yet each word flowed smoothly together. "Y-yeah I only bring it out for special occasions. And having a conversation with you seemed to fit the bill in my mind" Vox replied taking a quick sip of the dark purple liquid. Vox was slightly taken aback by the beings polite tone, and the fact that he gave Vox a genuine complement. He felt his screen slightly heat up, but he thought it was just the alcohol getting to him.

They spoke for hours about random topics. How hell's hierarchy works, what their favourite pastimes are. Eventually their constant chatter had reduced in to deafening silence, and Vox had decided to break that silence the only way he knew how...questions.

"Can I ask you something?" Vox suddenly blurted out to break the silence.

"Of course, ask away." Y/n responded, sounding oddly as if he wanted to be questioned.

For a moment, Vox pondered what to ask the being. A million questions raced through his head, but only two seemed to stick.

"Why did you destroy Saygor? They didn't really do anything and you simply wipe them from the face of hell...Not implying I cared or anything" Vox was quick to stammer out taking a quick sip of his wine. In reality he did care. That was a larger percentage of his revenue that he lost, and he wasn't happy.

The black and red mass pondered for a second "My brother always said that if push comes to shove, the best way to make others respect you is to make a show of force...at least I think he said that." Y/n's memory had become foggy in the past few millennia, and if he was being honest that definitely doesn't sound like something his brother would say. "So that's why I did it. Let everyone know what kind of monster had dropped into their lives." Y/n responded with an invisible smile.

'Well that didn't help with my anxiety' Vox thought whilst swirling the dark liquid around in his glass.

"Alright final question...Who are you?" Vox asked, his voice stern.

"Ah the question on everyone's mind. Well there's no point in trying to be professional anymore. My name is Sologoth, but you can call me y/n. Heart of the void and brother to the Allfather, or 'God' as most call him. And that is all I will tell you...for now at least." Y/n responded, finishing the wine in his glass, the alcohol finally hitting him.

Before Vox could ponder this revelation that the guy across from him was the brother to the big boy upstairs, y/n leaned across the table and gave him a peck on the ride side of his screen. "Thank you for this evening Vox. The wine was terrific...I'll be in touch." And with that y/n disappeared from sight.

"What a night." Vox smiled, stood up and quickly headed to tell Val what the fuck just happened.


Author Note:

Sorry if this felt a little rushed, because it is. I had this chapter on the back burner for a while because I didn't know how to finish it. I never realized how hard  writing a story would be.

Chaos (Hazbin-Hotel and Helluva Boss X Godly Reader)  OLD CANON/DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now