Chapter 3

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Alright new chapter, enjoy!







               please let me know if I need to add more!

Philza POV

I was about to turn around and leave the room when Ranboo suddenly stood up and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. I stopped and waited. He was quickly scribbling something down and then he showed it to me. I read what was on the paper. "did we met before?" It said. I was shocked. It's really him, cause otherwise he wouldn't recognize me. "Yes, we've met before." I said. Ranboo stared at me for a second before grabbing the pen again. "When" I read. Wait if he doesn't remember, how does he remember me? "It was a long time ago. You were one of children in the orphanage where I worked. You were 3 years old at the time." I told him. There was a look of confusion on his face.

Ranboo POV

"It was a long time ago. You were one of children in the orphanage where I worked. You were 3 years old at the time." He said. Wait what? That isn't possible. I had a family. I- I wasn't- I wasn't adopted. Right? "Don't you remember? I'm philza." He said. I shook my head and wrote: "I can't remember, but you looked familiar." He read it. "Oh, do you remember how you ended up here?" He said. "No" I wrote, it was a lie. I knew very well how I ended up here. I just didn't want to talk about it. "Oh alright" he said.

Phil POV

Then the door suddenly flew open to reveal mrs. Adams standing there. She looked angry. "What are you guys doing here, why isn't he outside!" She yelled. I saw Ranboo flinch out of the corner of my eye, he probably didn't like yelling. That reminds me of Tubbo, he doesn't like loud sounds. "He fell and got hurt. We went to the nurse." I told her. She glared at Ranboo and then looked back at me. "Hmh, look out next time." She said harshly and walked away.

"Alright Ranboo I have to go. Rest and let your arm heal. I'll see you soon, okay?" I said. He nodded. I smiled and walked out of the room.

I made my way back to the garden. I wonder what happened to him. He had a panic attack when I found him and he flinched. He also doesn't want to talk. He isn't completely mute cause he screamed. Maybe I can bring Tubbo with me next time, he is good with people. I'll have to ask him if he wants to but he'll probably say yes.

Ranboo POV

Thoughts were racing through my head. Was I adopted? Why didn't my parents tell me? Or did I forget..... I don't know anymore. One thing I did know was that I liked Philza, he's nice to me.

It's getting dark. I should try to sleep. I thought. I tried to lie down but my arm hurt. I eventually got under the blanket and closed my eyes.

I suddenly woke up. I look around but didn't know where I was. The walls of the room I was in were light blue and there were little trains and bears on it. Then a person walked in, their face was blurry. "Aww, did my little boy wake up?" A female voice said.

Then my vision glitched and I was in the car of my parents, the night it happened. I was in the backseat, my mom was driving and my dad was besides her. She was crying and screaming, dad trying to calm her down. "I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE. I CAN'T, I CAN'T, I CAN'T, I CAN'T." She screamed. "PLEASE CALM DOWN." My dad said panicked. "NO I WILL NOT, IT'S ALL TO MUCH. I CAN'T TAKE IT, IM DONE." "MOM PLEASE STOP IT, YOUR GOING TO FAST, PLEASE. STOP THE CAR!" I yelled back tears streaming down my face as well. But she didn't listen as she sped down the highway. "MUM!" I yelled as she almost hit another car. I was scared, I didn't want to die. "You know, sometimes I think of doing terrible things, I know I shouldn't think it but I do anyway. Maybe I'm just crazy like I got a disease." She said and laughed like a psychopath. "Hey listen to me, it's going to be okay, please just slow down!" My dad said. "NO IT'S NOT GOING TO BE OKAY. EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE IS FUCKED UP!" She screamed while looking my dad directly into his eyes. "MOM PLEASE STOP. YOU'RE GOING TO KILL US!" I sobbed. Her head snapped back and she stared at me. The words she said next send shivers down my spine. "That's the whole point. I'm already dead inside." She said calmly. Then she yanked on the steering wheel and the next thing I heard was a loud crash.

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