Chapter 11

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Yooo I have a new chapter for you!

It's a long one so enjoy! :D

Billzo POV

It is time. Tubbo and I where ready. Pillow in our hand. Our plan to wake up Ranboo has started. We slowly walked to the door and opened it as quiet as possible. We walked in but I stopped Tubbo. "Wait, where is he?!" I whisper shouted at him. He wasn't in his bed. And just then the chair in the corner of the room slowly turned around, revealing Ranboo with a big nerf gun in his hands. "I've been expecting you." He said and lifted the gun. Tubbo and I started screaming, "RETREAT RETREAT, IT ISN'T WORTH IT!" Ranboo started shooting at us while laughing hysterically.

"What is going o- AH" Phil said walking in and getting hit. Ranboo stopped shooting. "Sorry I didn't mean to hit you!" He said quickly. "It's alright mate" he said. "Go get ready" he said and left.

Ranboo POV

I got ready and went downstairs. I saw Tommy in the kitchen making food and decided to help him. I walked over and said "hi" I expected him to say hi back but he screamed instead and turned around really fast. "OW" I said and quickly pulled my hand to my chest, taking a few steps back, scared.

"What happened, Ranboo are you okay!?" Phil said trying to see what happened to me but in took another step back. "I'm so sorry, I didn't means to hurt you! Y-you just scared me and I was holding a knife, it was a reflex!" Tommy said panicked.

He meant it, I could hear it in his voice. "Ranboo you're bleeding, let me help you." Phil said and I walked over to him. He put an arm around me and we walked over to the couch so I could sit down. He gently grabbed my hand and looked at it. There was a small cut and it was bleeding at bit. "I'll get some bandage." He said and walked away.

"Ranboo, I'm so so sorry, I really didn't mean to, I feel so bad." Tommy said to me. "It's alright, I know." I said and I could see relief in his eyes. After Phil put some bandage on my hand we ate some food.

"Phil have you told him yet." Tubbo whispered to Phil but I still heard. "Told who what?" I said. "TUBBO" Everybody said. "Oops, I guess not." He said. "What's going on?" I was really confused. "Well I was going to tell you later but SOMEONE didn't keep their mouth shut. Do you remember that one night when it was storming and we started telling stories? You told us about one of your favorite memories, you went with your mom to a thing with lights that looked like fireflies. But you couldn't remember where and what it was, well I did some research and I found out what it is. We are going there tonight!" He said smiling.

"W-wait what, really?" I asked taken aback by the fact that he put all this effort into finding that place just for me. "Yeah! And I'm coming too!" Tubbo said excitedly. "Thank you so much!" I said, now looking forward to tonight.

"Are you ready to go guys?" Phil asked Tubbo and me. "Yeah I think so." I answered. "Alright lets's go!" He said and we started making our way to the car. It was pretty cold outside and I didn't like wearing thick jackets so I was a bit cold. The only thing I was wearing was a black turtleneck and a button up over it. It was halfway closed and tucked in my pant. Sometimes you have to sacrifice something so be stylish.

No ones POV

Ranboo and Tubbo got in the back of the car and Phil started driving. It was quite a long drive so they were going to be there for a while. Phil had turned on some music but it was drowned out by the talking of Tubbo and Ranboo.

It was now dark outside. Ranboo was looking out of the window, admiring the beautiful stars. As he was staring his eyes were slowly closing. But every time that his eyes were almost closed me forced them open again, he didn't wan't to fall asleep.

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