chapter two

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Lucy pulled me in front of her, i was busy hiding behind her back as if someone is going to murder me. Well funny cause she'll probably by the time she laid her eyes on me.

"what the hell!"

I sighed before pulling the hem of her sweatshirt, i was desperate and in regret of what I did yesterday. Everything was all over the place.

"listen, this is gonna sound bananas but you have to come with me."

Pulling her wrist behind me as I tried not to get paranoid in every student i make eye contact in the hallways, finally the girl's bathroom.

"Yesterday, i punched Moe Traux across the face like hard and i think i broke her tooth or something."

I confessed, i knew I shouldn't said anything cause she remained silent with her hands covering her mouth.

Somehow she deserved it, but watching Moe through the years become the person she isn't, it made me look at her differently.

"what was your reason?!"

Lucy almost screaming at my face, i never knew its going to be much more of her concern more than it is for me.


Explaining the rest of my side, she seemed like I should be the one apologizing to Moe.

"you're insane! She's definitely going to murder you."

As if she can, but I doubt she will.

Our conversation didn't last a few more minutes when a couple of girls busted in, most of them talking to one another so the both of us decided to just leave and talk somewhere else.

"Heather i swear, if i were you i would be hiding..."

"Starting now."

Lucy walked away from me like a nobody, then i finally realized why when she moved her head to my right.


Goodmorning to me.

Moe Traux walking on my way with a band aid on her cheek and a dead look in her eyes, and i am pretty sure she's walking my way.

Casually of course, i tucked my blonde hair and cleared my throat walking in the opposite way. Confidently thinking i'll get away, but my hands sweating like an insane river almost loosing my grip on my back pack.

"Heather Alexa Nill!"

I felt eyes on us, i felt my feet froze right there with my eyes wide open.

"i'd love a goodmorning from you."

She grabbed my arm, aggressively pulling me into a suffocating hug.

"school rooftop by 5pm."

She whispered against my ear, i got instant goosebumps but her manly gentle scent is probably a bonus.

I coughed once she finally let go of me, my hands trembling, i tried to hid it by gripping my back pack's strap as tight as I could. I knew stepping forward and hitting her was wrong but it just sank it to me this morning when I realized what I did, i didn't even tried to hold back a bit and I don't think she's happy walking around with that piece of band aid on her face.

My seat is a bit interesting today, it has a note saying 'blonde fag' and a few murmurs among the students is a great sprinkles to my day. I had to admit how embarrassed I feel right now, but i recognize the girl who was with Moe yesterday throwing me glares every second, guess I offended two people now.

Feeling a bit stiff to my seat right now, i feel like if I move a bit it's going to be a crime. Time to break my breathing normally when Moe Traux entered the same class as I did. Now thoughts went running wild when she started talking to her friend, it's either I won't make it alive by this afternoon because they'll probably beat me up to my death.

Lunch bell rings, i was alone at the cafeteria waiting for lucy just to realize she took a shift at the library as a part time, almost forgot she does this every fridays. Guessing i am alone today, i got myself a bottle of water and a granola bar enjoying my own company.

So i decided to just sit down away from the students and the crowd, the school always has this huge free field behind it and only a few students make their way here so I thought it was a perfect spot for me to hang for an hour.

"hey boy!"

Kristoff ran towards me with his tail wagging, he was the homeless dog that always came up to me ever since I gave him bones for his meal last year and every now and then he expects me here.

It was odd, cause he kept howling and the next thing I knew he was running away, thinking he needed for me to see something so i did follow him.

"easy there boy.."

I told him as he immediately stopped behind the school's wall, there I found Moe and her friends beating up a freshman. I froze to my feet once again exposing my entire self to them and to make things worse, Kristoff barked and everyone's attention was on me.

Moe was twisting a lollipop on her mouth, while the rest of her friends pinned their eyes on me like I was their main prey.

"aren't you gonna fuck off?"

Moe started walking towards me.

My eyes darted down her black converse shoes, i tried not to do anything more that could get me in trouble so I kept quiet as I tried to bite my bottom lip down as hard as I could for it to stop quivering.

"Heather, you know this is the second time you owe me something."

She lowered her head down to me.

"Do not scare the kid!"

One of them shouted, making the rest of them laugh except Moe.

"just a chit chat wouldn't hurt, yeah?"

She pat me behind my shoulder.

Maybe if I could just talk to her later and apologized right down on my knees then she wouldn't hold a grudge on me anymore.

Atleast to make me seem like any other loosers out there, keeping my school life quiet at all cost. But i am afraid that's not on her plan, but who knows? I might be able to say something.

Something i remind her that I am still Heather, and she went and became this whole new different person who's treating everybody else like shit including me.


Felt a grip on my right arm, almost made me flinch. I wasn't even fully out the scene thinking it's either Moe or one of her friends. It was just Noah.

"Look like you've seen a ghost?"

He chuckled, his dimples being visible on the either side of his brown skin. His smile was totally his asset.

"Not really, just probably thinking so much."

Giving him a faded smile, i thought I'd be on my way but he hasn't let go of my arm yet.

"what did Moe do.."

The tone of his voice changed.

"Absolutely none of your concern anymore,  if you saw what's happening out there it's nothing serious."

I stole my arm back from his grip, thinking he was doing most of what he was just supposed to do.

"Nothing comes off easy when it's Moe Traux."

He told me. So in that span of 5 years she became a fully bitch. Coming from her ex-boyfriend Noah.

"You do not have to warn me, it'll come off as easy as talking."

I left, it's not like there is more for me to explain to him, though I am terrified of what may happen later.

Hoping that something that's gonna come out of my mouth will help me. Hoping she would listen to me still.

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