chapter eight

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"I am taking your phone sweetheart, comes back when you come home early today."

I sighed before giving him a nod, my hands occupied by the few books i left home. He shut the door behind me while I made my way inside. The first thing i saw was Lucy who was busy at the bench underneath a tree.

"my god you're alive!"

She hugged me like i was gone for so long.

"So how did it go?"

"Actually i was impressed that you still came to school alive and well, did something happened?"

Her hand tugged me over and over again, a smile formed on my face and immediately i tried to hide it when I noticed Moe walking in the aisle with her eyes on her phone.

"Ah, i assume you guys made up?"

I turned to Lucy who was scanning my expression.

"you left it."

It was the other half of my shoe that i left, i was hurrying up when i picked up a call from my dad the next day after. I almost slapped my hand across my forehead knowing i was stupid enough to leave this one behind not up until i was half way back to my house, i realized I didn't have the other shoe worn.

She extended her arm for me to get my shoe back, i glanced at her as i extended my arms too to get my shoe back.

I could feel Lucy pulling my leg, so i had to hit her with my elbow.


I tried to give her a smile, but she didn't smiled back instead she just ignored me like she always used too that made my eyebrows met.


Lucy widen her eyes as her eyebrows started moving in random directions as she give me a smirk.

"no! Of course not."

I stood up knowing i didn't wanna have this conversation with her, not even the time when Noah asked me out to go out with him a couple of months ago.

Still owed him one.

"right, straight girl duties."

Lucy sighed as she took her phone out to distract herself as we both walk in the hallways.

My eyes traveled around to find Moe leaning against her locker, her hair down in curls while she wears a red jacket and a black shirt inside, her hoop earrings reflecting the light as she laugh along with her friends.

I assume she caught me looking cause she immediately turned her head on me, so i quickly looked away.

"girl what are you doing?"

Lucy's expression all scrunched up as she took the book from my hand.

"you're wiping the book infront of you locker.."

I stared at her for a couple of seconds before taking my book back, shoving it completely inside my locker and shutting the door.

"okay crazy?..i will be meeting Kristel later for lunch, is it okay if you go alone by yourself or you wanted to join us?"

Lucy asked me, Kristel is her girlfriend.

"No,'s your time together, i would be glad eating alone without your nosy ass."

I joked at her.

"just making sure you didn't fucked a delinquent."

She raised her voice a bit while throwing her hands up in the air, she was absolutely unbelievable.

Almost worrying that Moe heard what she said, i would be avoiding her for a total different reason now or for much better, i won't let her see me again if she did.

Just like as always i would attend my classes, but at my last period i was in the same class with Moe and we've been ignoring each other the entire day, i was feeling like i did something wrong besides being drunk.

Did i kissed her?


Did i smudged too much make up on her face?

I hated how ate lunch, barely touching my food as i watch Moe quietly take her meal silently while her friends laugh, being lost in her own world as she shove food into her mouth.

Starting to hate how i cared if she ignores me or not, i wanted to tug myself down and act like it's not a big deal at all. She saved me and let me throw a little trouble in her house as a thank you.

"eating alone?"

Noah sat infront of me, his food tray made a sound as he tried to start a conversation with me.

"yeah, i think you should be going too.."

I avoided eye contact, i didn't wanna have this conversation with him specially when Moe's around.

"You still owe me dinner tonight remember?"

He tried to reach for my hand but i immediately got rid of it, i was hoping Moe wasn't looking when he did.

"We could have this conversation later...Noah."

I tried to keep quiet as much as possible, i didn't wanna attract attention to anyone's eyes.

"She wouldn't find out, i promise.."

Noah stood up from across me with a smile on his face, along with his tray, he gave me a calling sign before leaving me alone.

I feel like i was starting to be in good terms with Moe again, i feel like i was having another chance to come back to her just like what we used too.

I didn't wanna ruin it this quick now that Noah is being demanding with my presence around him, i regret making a deal with him. In exchange for my time. I am afraid that once me and Moe are finally back on track, he would ruin it and Moe will completely let go of me this time.

The bell rang, i had to leave those thoughts in this seat while i drag my barely touched tray food back at the counter. I fixed my hair and went to the girl's bathroom to wash my hands.


A familiar voice, i stopped washing my hands when i recognized her. It was Moe. Her jaw was tightly clenched while her hands are inside her pockets.

"Moe, he went up to me."

I know what she was going to say.

"Why lie to me?"

Lie? I never lied to her. She never asked me about Noah, i didn't exactly know how they broke up. I didn't even know if she loved him or if he loved her.

but i am afraid she loved him.

"Noah and I broke up, but that doesn't mean you can just go around talking to him."

She walked forward with her head up.

"I get it, it's my fault for talking to him. I am sorry what happened and that you guys broke up, but you can't get mad at me because he approached me by himself."

I kept feeding up to my lies, i forced him to date Moe so I wouldn't have to watch her suffer alone, for her own good she needed someone who loves her.

or for my own good, for being selfish and for pushing her away like i always do.

"That's not the point, i didn't want you to go around Noah because he's an asshole."

"he treated me like shit, i didn't want him back either but i am not letting him lay a finger on you."

My mouth shut completely, she was just looking at me like i was gonna run away and ditch her in this conversation.

"I don't wanna see you with him, ever."

She sighed before exiting the girl's bathroom, my hands dripping wet down to my shoes.

I felt my chest clenched as i remember the day i made a deal with Noah. I wanted to take it all back, i didn't mean to hurt her. Or not for now.

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