chapter four

395 15 1

5 years ago


"I don't think this is a good idea.."

Heather and Moe holding each other's hands on a halloween night, right infront of Joe's house. The boy who loves to pick on Moe, though Heather told her multiple times that this will put them in trouble, Moe still pushed her and now there is no going back.

"We can go to jail for this."

Heather anxiously looked around.

"We're 13, and we're not going to kill Joe we're just gonna have a little fun on his house."

Moe jumped out of the bush while dragging Heather behind her, on Moe's other hand is where a track of eggs are. She took one and threw it on the window, though Heather wasn't up for the idea her friend Moe convinced her.

"Remember when he crumpled your valentine's letter to Caleb?"

Moe reminded her, there Heather took two eggs and threw it together right straight to the door. It went on for the next couple minutes up until someone opened the lights and that's when they decided that mission completed.

Their hands intertwined to one another like they were both afraid to be separated to one another, they were platonic soul mates. That's what their class calls them. They were a duo.

Halloween party night, of course. Both of them attending a college party that night with Moe's brother being the mastermind. Thought they could ditch a couple of drinks into their small stomachs. Moe of course took a swig while Heather watch her become the reckless friend that she always have.

"this shit taste weird!"

Moe complained trying to cover her sick face with a laugh, both of them laughing now, Heather tried and almost choked but luckily Moe was able to guide her to drink it up.

"College kids are weird.."

Heather eye on one couple making out in Moe's couch.

"You'll get use to it, this party is much fun than what 13 year olds throw."

"Yeah cause they're appropriate, this is an animal city!"

Moe took 5 more cups of the strong alcohol, she was starting to feel sick but all she thought about was fitting in. While Heather struggled to carry her around with her arms.

"Moe, that's enough."

Heather found a way out of the crowd leading them to their front porch.

Her hand placed on Moe's chest as she tried to balance her, but her eyes were starting to feel heavy and she could feel her head was too.

"This sucks.."

Moe drunkly spoke.

"You're gonna get in trouble for this."

Heather managed to put her back in her own balance, while Moe's eyes started to open lazily.

"I am already troubled Heather, i am so troubled."

Heather thought she needed to go to bed and rest it.

"Moe let's go.."

"No, not yet Heather...i have the guts now."

Moe pulled Heather back down, now both of them an inch away from each other's face.

"I always hate it when you walk away when i am not yet finished."

Probably out of her mind, one thing Moe is consciously aware about is what she feels, what she has been wishing to told Heather for so long. Those shots felt like they were meant for her to spit it out.

"Nothing felt more real to me rather when i am with you, Heather."

"I like you, like not just like you.."

Moe pushed the rest of Heather's hair strands away from her face, tucking it behind her ear.

"Everytime i hold your hand, it's like sparks all over my body and the smile on my face is twice as wide."

"When you're here, when you're around i get nervous and my heart beats like crazy."

"Tell me Heather, i am not going insane aren't i?"

Moe chuckled as she tried to keep her balance.

Heather, was quiet. She didn't know what to say. She felt numb at the moment not such expecting words escaping Moe's mouth.

"Say something.."

Moe drunkly fell right into Heather's lap.

After that night, everything felt like in a new circle. Heather separating tables and made a different new friends leaving Moe alone. She started to think that confessing was the reason and she wanted to do the same as Heather. Up until they went back to being strangers.

But every now and then, there was nobody else that Moe loved rather than Heather. Not even her relationship with Noah changed the way how she feel for Heather. She felt like an idiot for letting her go and not at least trying to do anything to win her. She was only tough around other people, but never on Heather.

Moe would watch her sometimes to see how she was doing, but she never wished Heather to do the same for her. She doesn't know if she cares about her the way she does, but there was a hope in her heart that Heather still wanna be her friend.

She would go sleepless nights thinking, if she would relive that moment, she would stop herself. She felt crushed for months and even years up until now, knowing that their bond will never be the same anymore.

And that night at the rooftop, was the moment Moe was waiting for. She wanted her to know how important she still is to her, but somehow still failed to do so. Her heart beating fast every time Heather would come near her, or how they exchanged words up the roofttop that they haven't done in a long time.

Heather on the other hand didn't know, she was way more confused than she was before. To herself she know she didn't wanna push Moe away ever again, but something inside her if forcing her to do it. She sees Moe as problem, a problem that she wanted to push away.

She admitted to herself that Moe was the one messing her up.

"Suspend for a week."

My father handed a violation card slip from my school which he had already signed.

"You're grounded too."

I never even got to speak, he shut me out and went into his room to read his book while I am left outside the living room trying to figure out what the hell am i supposed to do in a week.

Luckily i got to get my phone back, atleast that's the only thing I have now. I ran into my room and laid my back down into my soft mattress while I scroll through my phone.

Rolling a few times till i felt the unfamiliar fabric material beside me, i had to move my attention away from my phone and looked beside me to find Moe's jacket.

And the first thing I did was to smell it.

weird. Still smelled like her.

My phone then buzzed, had to dramatically shot my back up into a sitting position while i panic clicking through my messages.

"I kinda want my jacket back."

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